All this talk these days about grooming. And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.... Seems that one of the first question that guys ask me these days is "How is your hair down there?" I'm not sure this is an appropriate early conversation question, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get asked. And damn, some people (men and women included) have some serious public preferences. Little did I know that what your pubic preference says something about your personality. Well, at least to the
So what is your pubic personality?
FULL BUSH: You’re strong in your convictions leading people to either love or hate you. You use words like “sensual” and don’t own a flatiron. You think rainy days are really romantic and sing Joni Mitchell in the shower. It should go without saying that you identify as a feminist, but still like to be wined and dined from time to time. You definitely have spent at least 10 minutes looking at your own vagina in a hand mirror. You always order your steaks bloody.
LANDING STRIP: You’re always incredibly well put together and can seemingly pull off any trend you deign to try. You haven’t had to pay for yourself on a date since, well, ever. You’re meticulous in your approach to most everything you try, but that’s because you only attempt things you know you’ll be successful at. You spend the vast majority of your shopping funds at Sephora and every man you’ve ever dated has been shocked to discover that you have a filthy mouth. You only wear thong underwear and are always having a great time.
TRIANGLE: You’re not interested in following trends and are generally set in your ways about what you like and what you don’t. Gwyneth Paltrow is your muse for everything in life. You read all the books on the best seller list and never go anywhere without the latest New Yorker and a bottle of coconut water. You throw a killer dinner party and have the amazing ability to charm the locals in every foreign country you visit. You can be a pretentious jerk but give the best birthday gifts so no one can muster up the nerve to dislike you.
AWKWARDLY SHAVED TUFT: You make “To Do” lists but never accomplish all the tasks on them because you’re easily distracted by more enticing options. Your home and life appears neat and orderly, but there are plenty of hidden messes — but who cares, if no one is the wiser? You can be kind of hasty, so when you decide you want something done, you do it yourself — trimming your bangs, cutting a pair of jeans into shorts, reorganizing your apartment — with mixed results. Luckily, you’re always pretty relaxed and chill, so even when things go wrong, it rolls off your back. Every weekend you wake up and consider getting a tattoo.
SPECIAL SHAPE (LIGHTENING BOLT, HEART, ETC.): You’re desperate for attention and will go to great lengths to get it. You have at one time or another done all of the following: gone skinny-dipping, dyed your hair a crazy color, cursed out your mom, dated an older man, shoplifted, danced on top of a bar, made out with a girl to turn on a guy, and cried to get out of a speeding ticket. But it’s not all bad: your friends love you because you’re always game to talk smack about ex boyfriends, let them tag along when you skip past the velvet ropes at the hottest clubs, and loan them anything they want from your extensive closet. And no one — no one! — aces the “Sex and the City” category at Trivia Night like you do.
BALD: You don’t do anything half way. Some would consider you OCD, but you prefer to think yourself as a perfectionist. You like everything neat and orderly regardless of the occasion, just incase, which is why your bed is always made, your dishwasher is always empty, and your vagina is always hairless. The last one is interesting, because you clean your air conditioner’s filter more often than you engage in any hanky-panky. You haven’t ever in your life run out of toilet paper.
VAJAZZLED: You are a huge Jennifer Love Hewitt fan and live your life by the WWJLHD code.You’re one of those women who believes in blinging everything — your shoes, your cellphone, your vagina — and take the “Real Housewives” franchise very seriously. The only sushi you’ll eat is a California roll. You still wear Uggs and Juicy sweatsuits on your days off and your dog most definitely fits in your purse. You have never not had a boyfriend but you’ve cheated on them all
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Girl Scout Cookies are like crack.
It's that time of year again. When the girl scouts are out peddling their cookies. I'm on a serious diet and last weekend when I was out running my normal weekend errands the damn girl scouts were in front of EVERY store trying to get you fat. They are like crazy crack pushers!
One of my friends posted on facebook this morning this --> Young girls trying to lure strangers with candy. Sweet irony. It was hilarious!
So... how about some little know girl scout cookies...
1. The first Girl Scout cookies were sold in Muskogee, Oklahoma, in 1917, when troops baked cookies and sold them in high schools as a service project. These pioneers had no idea what they had just unleashed on the United States.
2. The ingredients for a Girl Scout cookie were very simple in 1922: Butter, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla, flour, salt, and baking powder. That's a far cry from today's exotic Mango Crèmes with Nutrifusion, which feature a food concentrate made with shitake mushrooms. (Anyone want to bet these won't make a return appearance in 2014?)
3. In 1933, you could get a box of 44 cookies for just 23 cents.
4. Life was rough in the early 1940s; not only was there a world war raging, but there were also no Girl Scout cookies to be found. Due to shortages of sugar, butter, and flour, the Scouts sold calendars instead.
5. Today, one-quarter of all Girl Scout cookie sales are Thin Mints. There's just something about the chocolate and mint combination that is unbeatable (that, and the fact that Thin Mints have the most cookies in a box).
6. Two licensed bakeries are in charge of Girl Scout cookies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. That number has decreased dramatically over the years; in the 1940s there were 29 bakers, and in the 1960s, 14.
7. Depending on your local Girl Scout council (and which baker they purchased from), your cookies are either creatively named or literal: Tagalongs are also known as Peanut Butter Patties; Do-si-dos are Peanut Butter Sandwiches; and Trefoils are Shortbreads. Ever so slightly bucking the trend are Samoas/Caramel deLites.
8. If hearing the words "Girl Scout cookies" causes you to salivate, rejoice; you can download a Cookie Finder app to your iPhone or Android to pinpoint exactly where the Scouts are selling.
- See more at:
One of my friends posted on facebook this morning this --> Young girls trying to lure strangers with candy. Sweet irony. It was hilarious!
So... how about some little know girl scout cookies...
1. The first Girl Scout cookies were sold in Muskogee, Oklahoma, in 1917, when troops baked cookies and sold them in high schools as a service project. These pioneers had no idea what they had just unleashed on the United States.
2. The ingredients for a Girl Scout cookie were very simple in 1922: Butter, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla, flour, salt, and baking powder. That's a far cry from today's exotic Mango Crèmes with Nutrifusion, which feature a food concentrate made with shitake mushrooms. (Anyone want to bet these won't make a return appearance in 2014?)
3. In 1933, you could get a box of 44 cookies for just 23 cents.
4. Life was rough in the early 1940s; not only was there a world war raging, but there were also no Girl Scout cookies to be found. Due to shortages of sugar, butter, and flour, the Scouts sold calendars instead.
5. Today, one-quarter of all Girl Scout cookie sales are Thin Mints. There's just something about the chocolate and mint combination that is unbeatable (that, and the fact that Thin Mints have the most cookies in a box).
6. Two licensed bakeries are in charge of Girl Scout cookies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. That number has decreased dramatically over the years; in the 1940s there were 29 bakers, and in the 1960s, 14.
7. Depending on your local Girl Scout council (and which baker they purchased from), your cookies are either creatively named or literal: Tagalongs are also known as Peanut Butter Patties; Do-si-dos are Peanut Butter Sandwiches; and Trefoils are Shortbreads. Ever so slightly bucking the trend are Samoas/Caramel deLites.
8. If hearing the words "Girl Scout cookies" causes you to salivate, rejoice; you can download a Cookie Finder app to your iPhone or Android to pinpoint exactly where the Scouts are selling.
- See more at:
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Every day uses for your sex toys - NSFW
One of my favorite types of magazine articles give you new uses for every day objects. Real Simple is awesome with these. So when I saw an article on the Frisky about new uses for sex toys, I was a little excited. And not in THAT way. I wrote a post a couple of months pack about sex toys that double as fashion accessories. Check this one out!
So... here you go... every day uses for your sex toys.
So... here you go... every day uses for your sex toys.
Butt Plug Doorstop
Vibrator Hand blender
Fisting Candle Holders
Fleshlight Beer Cozy
Butt Plug Wine Stopper
Nipple Clamp Eye Glass Holder
Cock Ring Napkin Holder
Dildo Coat Hooks
Dildo maker - NSFW
So, I'm starting something new... As all of you know, most of the words I post on this blog are not exactly safe for work (NSFW), but with words you can hide what you are reading. It's when I post a picture that could clearly get you in trouble I worry (just a little, you clicked on the link while you were at work silly person!) So now, when a post includes a picture that is a bit risque I will post "NSFW" in the title of the posting.
So on to today's NSFW posting....
Francesco Morackini created a Dildomaker as part of his tools series. Part "pencil sharpener" and all sex... the Dildomaker turns any household object into a phallic object with just the twist of a crank. Now, Francesco has done this as an "art" piece for the viewers to question the relationship between humans and manufactured products, but I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people out there thinking that this might be a good idea...
Me, on the other hand, I prefer sex toys made for that purpose and leave veggies to their intended uses.

Francesco Morackini created a Dildomaker as part of his tools series. Part "pencil sharpener" and all sex... the Dildomaker turns any household object into a phallic object with just the twist of a crank. Now, Francesco has done this as an "art" piece for the viewers to question the relationship between humans and manufactured products, but I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people out there thinking that this might be a good idea...
Me, on the other hand, I prefer sex toys made for that purpose and leave veggies to their intended uses.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Where are your missed connections... by state
You all know I love me some Craigs List missed connections... So when I saw this on Buzzfeed today I thought it was awesome. This map shows the most frequently cited location in missed connections. I'm a bit alarmed that so many of them were at Walmart... haven't they ever seen the People of Walmart site??
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Texting No-No's
We all know texting is the wave of the future. Personally, I love it. You can be multitasking and don't have to deal with it right away if you don't have time. And even better you can revise your thoughts before they are sent away - unlike when you are on the phone and the minute you say something stupid and you want to take it back and can't! (That's quite a sentence, I'm sorry... but deal with me)
But we've all gotten that text that takes your breath ago ... and not in a good way. So according to yahoo, what are the scariest texts to receive and why you shouldn't send them! And for those new readers (and those who can't remember) the article's language is in regular font and my responses/ideas/thoughts in italic.
Scary text #1: “I can’t stop thinking about you”
This one’s perfectly fine after a few weeks of dating (and on rare occasions), but it can be a huge mistake to send this kind of message after just one date… and especially if it’s done too often or too soon. At the start of romantic relationships, men go on “stalker alert” in much the same way that women go on “jerk alert,” so if your texts sound overly smitten from the outset, you could end up scaring him off. I’m an advocate of sending one text after a first date before you go to bed along the lines of: “I had a good night and I would love to do it again” — and then pulling back from trading messages for a few days. By doing things this way, your date knows that he made a positive impression on you, but he also knows that you have a life to get back to and that there’s ample room and time for him to form his thoughts about you without feeling rushed. I am also a huge fan of the "after date" thank you text. But I can be known to be a tad obsessive (I call it "passionate!") and if I like a guy I want him to know and I'm not afraid to tell him -- then again maybe I should be. I'm not a stalker, but I'm pretty damn positive I've had a guy (or two) call me a stalker behind my back because if I like him, I'll text him and tell him so. Yeah, umm... maybe my "stalkerish" ways are why I'm still single at nearly 33.
Scary text #2: “We need to talk”
This one has killer implications, no matter when you send it. It makes the receiver feel like a reprimand’s on the way without offering any clues to tell him what he’s walking into the next time he shows up or calls. I know that a woman might send a text like this to try and throw a guy off of his game or convey a sense of urgency if she’s feeling upset, but he’s probably going to see it as both a trap and a source of frustration before he even really knows what’s going on. So if you need to pull the “we need to talk” card on someone, just call him and tell him what’s wrong, or leave him a voicemail if he doesn’t pick up. Texting this to a man is simply torture for him and it won’t solve your problem. Oh hell no. The "We need to talk" text, email or even phone call is enough to give you that horrible sinking feeling in your stomach. This text is enough to scare the crap out of anyway and will produce one of two reactions - a complete sense of urgency or a complete sense of avoidance!
Scary text #3: “OK”
I love to send texts, and sometimes, my messages become mini-sagas about anything that strikes me during the day. So, if I ever reply with just one word to my guy, he knows that something’s off and he goes on high alert. This one just speaks to being consistent with your texting style to keep your relationship calm and peaceful. In the same way that an inflection in the voice or a facial expression can offer clues to really how you feel, a text that’s overly abrupt can make your beloved feel unsteady on his feet. I hate the "ok" text. It drives me crazy because very very rarely do I send a text that a sufficient response is just "OK" I end up just asking more questions. It drives me crazy.
Scary text #4: “Just saw the cutest pair of shoes”
This one can be troublesome for a guy in two different ways. First, he can take it as a request for money to pay for those shoes, or he might think that he’s heading into the “friend zone” with you instead of being thought of like you would a boyfriend. Casual texts about material items while you’re apart can come off like subtle ploys to get a man to buy you things. Men like women to be direct about what they want, and they would rather hear you say “I want you to get these shoes for me” than read subtle clues about what you like and don’t like via text message. Plus, if he’s concerned about you showing interest in him just for his money, this will send him running for the hills. These sorts of texts can make a man feel confused about your feelings for him and what kind of future you envision for the two of you, because getting stuck in the “friend zone” be terrifying for a guy who wants to really be your boyfriend. As a fully confessed shoe lover, I totally understand falling in love with (another) pair of shoes. But honestly, no guy really cares if you saw a pair of shoes or anything.
Scary text #5: “I feel like we’re stuck in a rut”
This text is horrible for a relationship that’s already bumpy, and it’s also an “I am rethinking us” warning sign that most men never want to see in the early stages of dating someone. If you’re having a down day, make sure your text outlines what it is that’s really getting you down while also offering a quick way for your man to make things better. No one wants to constantly be on edge and worrying about being replaced, ladies! Just as bad as the "we need to talk" text.... if you really have something important to talk about, get together. Face to face!
Scary text #6: Anything that begins with “My mom said that we should…”
If you have major love, life and/or relationship issues to work out, texting him to say that your mom has solved it all by choosing the next move to make in your lives… well, sorry to tell you this, but he’s not going to like it. A man wants to know that you two will handle life’s ups and downs together, and while he knows that parents can make great advisors, he also needs to know that there’s a boundary that won’t be crossed when it comes to talking about your relationship woes with mom or dad. So, draw a line in the sand that you both can agree on, and then stick to it. While we all love our moms and respect their opinions, it's not always the best thing to bring your mom into your love life. I gotta say it, but it's unsexy and a man wants you to be independent and able to make decisions on your own.
Scary text #7: “Just ran into/spoke with (insert your ex’s name here)”
The past has a nasty way of popping up at exactly the wrong time, and because so much of people’s lives get played out online these days, it’s not too hard to keep tabs on an old flame. If someone’s ex has not moved on, it can make even the most solid relationship feel a bit shaky for both parties. Make sure any issues with an ex are already out on the table and dealt with early on so that they don’t turn into a cancer that poisons your chance at happiness. Let old flames go out for good, and don’t mention any of them again if you can help it. Yeah, again... lets not scare the crap out of your partner by dropping this bomb on him/her. As soon as you read this text your mind starts running... What if's and all that runs through your head and can cause a panic attack in someone without anxiety. Imagine what it does in us with anxiety?!?
Friday, February 15, 2013
Decode "bride" speak
So, I came across this article today online and I thought it was funny. Do grooms every really understand "Bride" speak?
You say: Tulle.
They hear: Tool. Possibly the knife used to cut the wedding cake.
Explain it: A light, mesh-like fabric used for anything from decorating to dresses.
You say: Fondant.
They hear: Fondue.
Explain it: A thick icing that can be molded and sculpted. Not made out of cheese.
You say: Blusher.
They hear: Makeup. Or something you do when you're embarrassed. Are you mad?
Explain it: A short veil that usually covers just the face.
You say: FAB Minimum.
They hear: Fabulous.
Explain it: The minimum amount of food and beverages you must pay for when contracting with a vendor.
You say: Table runner.
They hear: "Blade Runner." Was Harrison Ford a replicant?
Explain it: A long strip of cloth that goes down the center of a table for decoration.
You say: Boudoir session.
They hear: Honeymoon!
Explain it: A photo session where the bride poses provocatively as a present for her fiancé.
You say: Fascinator.
They hear: Something you can't stop staring at.
Explain it: A cluster of ribbons and/or feathers worn as a hair decoration. Sometimes paired with a blusher (see above).
You say: Jack and Jill.
They hear: Went up the Hill. Wait, what?
Explain it: A co-ed bridal shower.
You say: Empire waist.
They hear: Empire State Building.
Explain it: A dress where the skirt attaches high above the waist.
You say: Sweetheart neckline.
They hear: A necklace, maybe? That they were supposed to give you? Are you mad?
Explain it: When the top edge of a dress is curved like the top of a heart.
You say: Recession.
They hear: The economy is really bad.
Explain it: When the bride, groom, and the rest of the wedding party walks back up the aisle at the end of the ceremony.
You say: Shantung.
They hear: Gesundheit!
Explain it: A heavy fabric, often made of silk, with a nubby finish.
You say: Tulle.
They hear: Tool. Possibly the knife used to cut the wedding cake.
Explain it: A light, mesh-like fabric used for anything from decorating to dresses.
You say: Fondant.
They hear: Fondue.
Explain it: A thick icing that can be molded and sculpted. Not made out of cheese.
You say: Blusher.
They hear: Makeup. Or something you do when you're embarrassed. Are you mad?
Explain it: A short veil that usually covers just the face.
You say: FAB Minimum.
They hear: Fabulous.
Explain it: The minimum amount of food and beverages you must pay for when contracting with a vendor.
You say: Table runner.
They hear: "Blade Runner." Was Harrison Ford a replicant?
Explain it: A long strip of cloth that goes down the center of a table for decoration.
You say: Boudoir session.
They hear: Honeymoon!
Explain it: A photo session where the bride poses provocatively as a present for her fiancé.
You say: Fascinator.
They hear: Something you can't stop staring at.
Explain it: A cluster of ribbons and/or feathers worn as a hair decoration. Sometimes paired with a blusher (see above).
You say: Jack and Jill.
They hear: Went up the Hill. Wait, what?
Explain it: A co-ed bridal shower.
You say: Empire waist.
They hear: Empire State Building.
Explain it: A dress where the skirt attaches high above the waist.
You say: Sweetheart neckline.
They hear: A necklace, maybe? That they were supposed to give you? Are you mad?
Explain it: When the top edge of a dress is curved like the top of a heart.
You say: Recession.
They hear: The economy is really bad.
Explain it: When the bride, groom, and the rest of the wedding party walks back up the aisle at the end of the ceremony.
You say: Shantung.
They hear: Gesundheit!
Explain it: A heavy fabric, often made of silk, with a nubby finish.
Top Cities for Single Men!
For those serious guys out there who are really looking for a mate, there are some cities that are much better for men out there. What do you think?
Washington, D.C.
Guys are you out there looking for a smart go-getter of a woman? If so, head on over to DC where there are tons of ambitious women. Nearly 47% of DC residents have college degrees. And according to The Daily Beast, DC has 69% single men and 74% single women. Seriously... I knew it! That's why I can't find a date - there is a higher percentage of single women then single men. But hey, guys, the odds are in your favor!
New YorkSo, more than half the adults in New York City are single, with 1 in 5 between the ages of 20 and 34. And NYC provides both the density and the diversity to allow for anyone to find someone that they connect with from Central Park to the restaurant's to the bars/clubs.
BaltimoreSo, Baltimore might not be the first thing you think of when you are looking for single men, but apparently it's actually #3 on the list of top cities for single men. But... apparently according to Kiplinger, 52.9% of the total population is single and the cost of living is low compared to the #1 (Washington DC) and #2 (NYC). Turns out Baltimore isn't the real blue collar city that they claim to be, 3 in 20 residents hold a graduate degree and the medium income is over $65K.
PhiladelphiaSo the City of Brotherly Love is actually a great place for single men. 1 in 2 residents are unmarried. And they are intelligent too, 1 in 3 holds at LEAST a bachelors degree and 1 in 5 are between the ages of 20 and 34. Not bad odds for the single men out there!
BostonIn a statistic enough for single men, 70% of the population in Boston is single women. Then again 67% of the population. Umm, these statistics are according to the Daily Beast - so blame them that it doesn't add up. if we are talking about the total population, then 70 + 67 = 137% which seems a bit off. But if it's 70% of the total male population, those odds are still pretty good.
Washington, D.C.
Guys are you out there looking for a smart go-getter of a woman? If so, head on over to DC where there are tons of ambitious women. Nearly 47% of DC residents have college degrees. And according to The Daily Beast, DC has 69% single men and 74% single women. Seriously... I knew it! That's why I can't find a date - there is a higher percentage of single women then single men. But hey, guys, the odds are in your favor!
New YorkSo, more than half the adults in New York City are single, with 1 in 5 between the ages of 20 and 34. And NYC provides both the density and the diversity to allow for anyone to find someone that they connect with from Central Park to the restaurant's to the bars/clubs.
BaltimoreSo, Baltimore might not be the first thing you think of when you are looking for single men, but apparently it's actually #3 on the list of top cities for single men. But... apparently according to Kiplinger, 52.9% of the total population is single and the cost of living is low compared to the #1 (Washington DC) and #2 (NYC). Turns out Baltimore isn't the real blue collar city that they claim to be, 3 in 20 residents hold a graduate degree and the medium income is over $65K.
PhiladelphiaSo the City of Brotherly Love is actually a great place for single men. 1 in 2 residents are unmarried. And they are intelligent too, 1 in 3 holds at LEAST a bachelors degree and 1 in 5 are between the ages of 20 and 34. Not bad odds for the single men out there!
BostonIn a statistic enough for single men, 70% of the population in Boston is single women. Then again 67% of the population. Umm, these statistics are according to the Daily Beast - so blame them that it doesn't add up. if we are talking about the total population, then 70 + 67 = 137% which seems a bit off. But if it's 70% of the total male population, those odds are still pretty good.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
I blog for coffee!
Thanks to one of my favorite websites, I got a great idea for all of my fabulous readers to support this blog.
Now, I love my Starbucks Lattes and they start to add up, so boys and girls... support my habit, donate any amount to the paypal link below (and on the right side)!
Now, I love my Starbucks Lattes and they start to add up, so boys and girls... support my habit, donate any amount to the paypal link below (and on the right side)!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Crazy Themed Weddings going a little too far!
I get the idea of a themed wedding - especially if you are into something. But it's not for me and I honestly think it's a little crazy. Personally, I'm much more of a traditionalist (yeah, seriously!) when it comes to weddings. The one thing that sticks in my mind is the picture - and those pictures last forever. The last thing you want is to look at them and think - what the hell was I thinking. (my own parents are a perfect example. The woman all had 70s style dresses with sheer sleeves and hats in various shades of pastel. And the men.... they had polyester suits in matching shades of pastel - yeah, pastel tuxes!)
Anyway, I had never seen a themed wedding as out there as the Disney themed wedding I ran across on the web this week. Now, I'm a believer that Disney is for kids (and parents of kids)... Hey, I get if you are into Disney - but it's not for me. But this couple REALLY went for it.
The bride (apparently obsessed with The Little Mermaid) dressed up as Ariel and her groom as Eric (that was his name - right? I'm not in the mood to look it up.) And this girl went ALL out, she even combed her hair with a fork - that was in the movie too. Now I hope that was just for the pictures, but with this girl, I'm not 100% sure!
And if only it ended there - it didn't... All of her bridesmaids were dressed up as Disney princesses from Sleeping Beauty to Mulan. Yeah, I wonder about how those girls felt about buying those dresses. At least they could wear them again ... for Halloween, right? And the men, they were dressed up as Disney villains (not sure why they didn't go for the princesses). Even her dad got into the spirit and dressed up as the Ariel's father - the king. See all the crazy pictures below!
I will give this girl serious props for going all out on her theme. They had the minister wear mouse ears (humm, a little far for a man of the cloth). But I did think the idea of naming all the tables for Disney movies AND including appropriate decorations for each table.
Now, I was thinking... is this type of Disney wedding common? Well, apparently it is! There is a whole website that sells just Disney wedding dresses. Yup, go check it out... Of courses, prices aren't listed.
Anyway, I had never seen a themed wedding as out there as the Disney themed wedding I ran across on the web this week. Now, I'm a believer that Disney is for kids (and parents of kids)... Hey, I get if you are into Disney - but it's not for me. But this couple REALLY went for it.
The bride (apparently obsessed with The Little Mermaid) dressed up as Ariel and her groom as Eric (that was his name - right? I'm not in the mood to look it up.) And this girl went ALL out, she even combed her hair with a fork - that was in the movie too. Now I hope that was just for the pictures, but with this girl, I'm not 100% sure!
And if only it ended there - it didn't... All of her bridesmaids were dressed up as Disney princesses from Sleeping Beauty to Mulan. Yeah, I wonder about how those girls felt about buying those dresses. At least they could wear them again ... for Halloween, right? And the men, they were dressed up as Disney villains (not sure why they didn't go for the princesses). Even her dad got into the spirit and dressed up as the Ariel's father - the king. See all the crazy pictures below!
I will give this girl serious props for going all out on her theme. They had the minister wear mouse ears (humm, a little far for a man of the cloth). But I did think the idea of naming all the tables for Disney movies AND including appropriate decorations for each table.
Now, I was thinking... is this type of Disney wedding common? Well, apparently it is! There is a whole website that sells just Disney wedding dresses. Yup, go check it out... Of courses, prices aren't listed.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Active Valentine's Day - excercise you can do together!
And no, I'm not talking about sex here. I'm talking about exercises classes that you and your intended can take together. A great idea for an active couple instead of the old and tired fancy dinner out. This list includes classes in the Washington, DC area - but I'm sure there are similar classes in all major cities - but I'm not going to do all your homework for you!
“Tough Love” Ã la 50 Shades of Grey Class The class called, "Tough Love: Bars, Bands & Blindfolds Bootcamp" includes partner exercises, blindfolded plyometrics and high intensity interval training - and it sounds like it could lead to some great active sex and exploration in the 50 Shades genre. .
See Also
Partner Yoga So many of us are go-go-go and forget to stop and relax. Partner Yoga makes you stop... focus on your partner and explore you bodies.
Singles Yoga and Date Night
The activities aren't only for those coupled up. How about a Yoga class group taught with a dating and relationship expert? Although, honestly I do wonder what the ratio of men to women will be in this class. But guys, if you know what's good for you - you'd go. The ratio is likely to be highly in your favor.
Running Scavenger Hunt For those crazy runners (never my thing!), how about a couples scavenger hunt through the park? What's better than competing against other people with your better half AND getting your exercises in the process?
(Hot Chocolate) Couples Massage
So maybe it's not the most active thing on this list, but can you really go wrong with a couples massage? How about throw in chocolate massage oil? Yup, you've got a winner here.
Put yourself FIRST for Valentine's Day this year.
Valentine's Day is no fun for us single people. In fact, I hear it lovingly (or not so lovingly) referred to Single's Awareness Day all the time. But Valentine's Day is not all about just romantic love, but the other kinds of love as well - you know, C.S. Lewis' book called the Four Loves says that there are (obviously) four different kinds of love that humans can share:
1. Storge - affection (familiar love)
2. Philia - friendship (love between friends)
3. Eros - romance (kissy-kissy face love)
4. Agape - unconditional love (love that brings forth caring regardless of the circumstance - his words not mine. And it's a Christian based book - that I read in a lovely class called Christian Love at a very Christian college - so obviously the agape love is the love God has for all of us... blah, blah)
Anyway, this Valentine's Day, lets celebrate the love we have for ourselves. Singles, stop all the negative thinking and do something for ourselves. Here are some ideas....
1. Give yourself a relaxing night. Go out and buy those expensive bath products you can't justify on an every day basis. Pick out a great smelling candle and bubble bath and soak your worries away. And it's ok to cry it out, but make sure you take time to relax. Try to coordinate smells with your candle, bath salts, bubble bath and lotion so all the competing senses don't give you a headache (or maybe that's just me)
2. Buy jewelry ... for yourself! Who says you need a man to buy jewelry for you? Not me! Go out and buy yourself something nice (just use the money you would have spent on some silly guy - see your net spending didn't change at all, AND you got something you'll like, not some silly flowers). Bonus if you get this bracelet which doubles as a flask, yes you read that right - a bangle that hides your alcoholic stash - just try not to imbibe at work please. It's not cheap ($225) but just think of all the money you could save at the bars!
3. Pamper yourself at the Spa You know that special treatment you've always been wanting (I've been very curious about the fish pedicure - but not sure I'd do it!) - well this is the best time to stop and smell your own roses! Take a day, half day or even an hour and just splurge with a trip to the spa. And it's not as expensive these days if you find a groupon, livingsocial or similar deal.
4. Get some lingerie for yourself! And guess what... they don't have to be the naughty nurse or the naughty cheerleader or naughty anything. You can splurge on cashmere sweats or a great silk robe. Something that makes you feel pampered and comfortable!
5. Wine it up. Get your favorite wine and drink it all yourself. Don't wallow in self pity of being single - instead celebrate your awesomeness. And celebrate that you don't have to share the bottle with anyone else!
Above all else, just take care of yourself.
1. Storge - affection (familiar love)
2. Philia - friendship (love between friends)
3. Eros - romance (kissy-kissy face love)
4. Agape - unconditional love (love that brings forth caring regardless of the circumstance - his words not mine. And it's a Christian based book - that I read in a lovely class called Christian Love at a very Christian college - so obviously the agape love is the love God has for all of us... blah, blah)
Anyway, this Valentine's Day, lets celebrate the love we have for ourselves. Singles, stop all the negative thinking and do something for ourselves. Here are some ideas....
1. Give yourself a relaxing night. Go out and buy those expensive bath products you can't justify on an every day basis. Pick out a great smelling candle and bubble bath and soak your worries away. And it's ok to cry it out, but make sure you take time to relax. Try to coordinate smells with your candle, bath salts, bubble bath and lotion so all the competing senses don't give you a headache (or maybe that's just me)
2. Buy jewelry ... for yourself! Who says you need a man to buy jewelry for you? Not me! Go out and buy yourself something nice (just use the money you would have spent on some silly guy - see your net spending didn't change at all, AND you got something you'll like, not some silly flowers). Bonus if you get this bracelet which doubles as a flask, yes you read that right - a bangle that hides your alcoholic stash - just try not to imbibe at work please. It's not cheap ($225) but just think of all the money you could save at the bars!
3. Pamper yourself at the Spa You know that special treatment you've always been wanting (I've been very curious about the fish pedicure - but not sure I'd do it!) - well this is the best time to stop and smell your own roses! Take a day, half day or even an hour and just splurge with a trip to the spa. And it's not as expensive these days if you find a groupon, livingsocial or similar deal.
4. Get some lingerie for yourself! And guess what... they don't have to be the naughty nurse or the naughty cheerleader or naughty anything. You can splurge on cashmere sweats or a great silk robe. Something that makes you feel pampered and comfortable!
5. Wine it up. Get your favorite wine and drink it all yourself. Don't wallow in self pity of being single - instead celebrate your awesomeness. And celebrate that you don't have to share the bottle with anyone else!
Above all else, just take care of yourself.
Forget the roses and chocolates - get something different for V-Day.
Valentine's Day is coming and the old gifts are tired. I saw a segment on the Today show this morning about out of the box Valentine's Day gifts and I thought the ideas were great. So guys (and girls!) take note of these gifts and get them soon. Shipping overnight is expensive, and honestly it's not always the thought that counts - the last minute gas station chocolates and flowers aren't exactly something every girl looks for.
1. An alternative to flowers: flower jewelry!
Flower die (and seems the Valentine's ones die quicker because they have been harvested earlier to fill the need!). Flowers are also expensive (you know very well that there is a huge Valentine's Day markup). I loved the Today Show's idea of forgoing fresh flowers and getting flower based jewelry. No one is stopping you from getting flowers any other time of the year and they will probably be half the price and twice as fresh. Anyway, love the idea of flower based jewelry that will last forever. They highlighted Liz Palacios's jewelry (available here) - her enamel and Swarovisky crystal rings, pins and bracelets are averaged priced (the ring to the left is $55) and actually are very pretty.
2. Find yummy heart shaped goodies instead of chocolates
I'm always up for an excuse to sugar load. And Valentine's day is no different (but then again neither is Halloween, Christmas, Easter... you get the drift). And as good as chocolate is (well, for some people - I'm honestly not a huge fan of chocolate) chocolate is not the end-all-be-all Valentine's gift. Besides, there is a whole lot of cheap and bad chocolate out there. So why not do something different? Like the Heart shaped Whoopie Pies from Crumble Cookie Factory. They come in multiple "red velvet" colors and look amazing. Besides, at $10 for 4 pies you aren't spending a ton of money on a box of chocolates with a mystery filling! And we all know probably over half of those mystery fillings aren't good at all.
3. Forgo the Champagne and go for bar ware.

Champagne is yummy - I love the bubbles! But why not get something more permanent and go for personalized bar ware from Uncommon Goods. The glasses (available in multiple bar ware glass types) are in scripted with two initials and a special date. Bonus is that you can mix your bar ware - perfect for those who don't necessarily like the same booze. A beer glass for him and a wine glass for her (or the opposite!) and it provides for a special way for you two to be connected. Although, a great gift for a permanent relationship - might want to be something to pass up if you aren't 100% serious - although following a breakup the breaking of the glasses could be very cathartic.
4. Forget the wine, go for the wine-based beauty products!
Wine only lasts for a short time - but makeup lasts months! And what woman doesn't like to expand the makeup in their makeup cabinet. And Laura Mercer has an awesome package called "Off the Vine" on QVC right now for $66.50 that includes products to pamper your skin and utilize all the "in" colors right now. And guy, you know you love that "natural" look but have to understand it doesn't actually mean that she's not using any makeup, just means that she's not using crazy makeup.
5. For the guys, forget the cologne and go for a shaving kit.
Lets be honest - very few guys need a new bottle of cologne and cologne is such a personal choice - the guy might not even like your choice (even if it turns YOU on). So why not go for something he needs anyway? A really nice shaving kit from The Art of Shaving. While some of the kits can get kind of pricey... girls, you know you love a close shave. The 5 o'clock stubble may look good, but it doesn't feel good on our sensitive skin!
6. The grand gesture for long distance relationships.
I'm a huge fan of etsy. If you've never been to the site - you should check it out. It's like visiting an art and crafts fair but online at your own leisure (and without the pushy salespeople). I loved this idea of the Heartstrings Pillow for couples who are spread by distances. All you have to do is give the etsy shop owner your two zip codes and she will send you a pillow with your two locations covered in hearts and attached by a big red string! It's so adorable and will always be a reminder of your love.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Cumulative cum.
This is a short, stream of consciousness post. In reviewing some documents today I see the word "cum" mentioned many times as an abbreviation to cumulative.
Is it just me or do things like this make you giggle like a 15 year old boy? And in my head I almost always say it the wrong way. ie cum like jizz instead of cum like the beginning of cumulative.
That's it, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Is it just me or do things like this make you giggle like a 15 year old boy? And in my head I almost always say it the wrong way. ie cum like jizz instead of cum like the beginning of cumulative.
That's it, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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