I just spent the last four and a half days working on some intense home repairs and renovations inside and outside my home. Now, being a single homeowner, I find many home renovation project difficult as a single person. Just think - many projects you need one person to hold something - the other person to do it. And how about a long reach (we all know I'm short and have short arms!). Even simple projects are easier with another set of hands.
This brings me back to my long weekend. I had to "request" that my parents fly out from half way across the country to help me do some major work on my house. Unfortunately, being a single woman with a limited income (just like a couple, but even more limited) - it's a bit difficult to afford a place that is "move in ready" and has all the work done. So I bought a house roughly 60 years old in need of some cosmetic work (exasperated by two dogs who like to destroy things). Fast forward nearly 10 months and the to do list was long.
But I guess the main reason behind this post is to say that it's hard being a single homeowner! You have to do everything by yourself. Really, what fun is that? Wouldn't it be great to have a "honey to do list" instead of a personal to do list? You can't make someone else do the nasty chores - it's just all on you.
Mowing the lawn in the 90 degree heat and 90% humidity?
Yup, that's me.
Picking up dog poop?
Yup, that's me.
Scrubbing the toilet?
Yup, that's me.
But, Honestly, the great feeling I get when I accomplish it all is awesome.
Most married women end up doing it themselves but they have the aggravation of asking someone else to do it first. I learned a long time ago just to do stuff and save myself the trouble of asking hubby to do it.