Monday, August 27, 2012

50 Shades... of controversy

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I've written a whole lot of blog posts about the book series "50 Shades of Gray,"  but lets be serious... it's on everyone's collective mind and often pops up in popular culture and on the other blogs I scroll through for inspiration.

And just for hits, if you want to review, here are all my 50 Shades of Gray posts - with links!
1. More than 50 Shades... Literorica is EVERYWHERE  
2. 50 Shades Onesie!
3. The Bible or 50 Shades of Gray??

Let me say one thing.  The book - it's not good writing - this woman is surely not going to win any writing awards.  But you know one thing - it's fun.  It's fun to read and all that.  And it's not set out to be a writing winner - but something to read for fun.  Don't take it for something it's not.

Which brings me to another point.  For some reason in the past couple of weeks I've seen nothing but negative comments on the abusive aspects of the book.  ABUSIVE?  Seriously?  You know who thinks the books is all about  spouse abuse?  Those who have no clue about the BDSM lifestyle.  And to be fair, I'm not part of the lifestyle, but I read enough to know that in no way is it about abuse and harming your partner.

BDSM is all about control, submission and domination and that fine line between pleasure and pain.  Those who participate in it know exactly what they are doing, and likely enjoy it very much.  If you don't agree with the whole submission and domination aspects of the book - don't read it.  Don't bitch about it. 

And... no one is asking you to act out whats in the book (or any porn that you see), but there are millions of men out there that would L-O-V-E for their girlfriend or wife (or both!) to even considering trying one teeny little aspect of BDSM.  Don't be so judgemental and explore.  If you don't like what comes of it, stop it in the middle or say no. 

On that note, I do not in any way endorse abuse or negative domination in any way.  If your husband or boyfriend (or both - again, I'm being fair!) is abusing you in ANY way, damn it - get help.  Call the police, your best friend, or email me.  Someone can help you, and you should never put up with such BS. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Presidential Prophylactics

So... just in case you aren't getting enough politics on television, on the Internet or on the radio, I have a brand new way to voice your political persuasion.  (just to note, I will not be declaring my party preferences, nor do I really care about which ones you prefer - but what I do care about is other crazy ways for people to show their "colors")

And since I live in DC, politics are EVERYWHERE.  So I know a great number of people who would use anything to help them illustrate their party preferences.

Well, some enterprising New York man has decided to package and sell Obama and Romney condoms.  See below.

And for you people are are really concerned about who is ahead (no pun intended)... the Obama versions are outselling Romney's by 6-7%.   If you really feel the need, you can purchase the Political Condoms at this link -->  but they are NOT cheap, at $3.95 per condom it's one expensiveish fuck. 

And this is NOT the first year Say it with Condoms has produced the Political Prophylactic .  In 2008, they sold Obama's "Use with Good Judgement" and McCain's "Old but not expired" versions.  No word on if Obama's outsold McCain's giving us a preview of the outcome of the election

50 Shades Onesie!

This is totally appropriate.... And I wonder if it shall be true....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ladies, your bra is a lethal weapon!

You know, we are always hearing these stories about women being attacked and such (then again, maybe it's just me, I have been watching a whole lot of Investigation Discovery channel shows that are basically real life murder mysteries!)  But anyway, women get attacked - way too damn often for my likening.

So what can you get to defend yourself?  A gun, a knife?  Hell no, you already have it on your person - a BRA!

Yes, you heard that right, a bra can be a lethal weapon.  Just as a 26 year old Russian woman who has been charged with murder.  The woman and her boyfriend - intoxicated and needing more booze went over to her 65 year old neighbor's house to ask for cash so they could buy even MORE booze.  When the 65 year old man refused, the woman started beating him and then took off her bra and strangled him with it. 

So girls, if you are ever in danger, reach back and unhook that bra - it could come in very useful!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Circumscisions as a cost savings measure??

So, I'm not going to pass judgement on circumcisions here.  Mostly because I don't have a penis and it's not really my call.  But - to my surprise, I found this article today that said that each penis not circumcised as an infant will lead to $313 extra dollars in health costs over a life time.  What the hell?  And this isn't a fly by night study - this is by Johns Hopkins University!

So the average cost of the "procedure" is $291 (really, for that little thing!), but the projected costs of treating infections or cancers that are more likely for the uncircumcised can add up quickly.  The 25% drop in circumcisions since the 1980's has cost roughly $2 BILLION.  That's a chunk of change.

In the 1970s and 1980's about 79% of the baby boys were circumcised in the United States - (seems pretty consistent with my "research")  But as of 2010 only about 55% of the boys have that penis cut.  Sure seems like a lot of bitter men now having kids...  

And guys, before you get all high and mighty, the World Health Organization  has recommended male circumcision as an "efficacious intervention for HIV prevention in countries and regions with heterosexual epidemics, high HIV and low male circumcision prevalence," so it's not a totally unnecessary procedure!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Showy Spandex

So... yes, I've been MIA for a hot second.  You know why?  Because I'm freaking obsessed with the Olympics.  I love them.  I don't care what sport is on (within reason - I still do NOT get the bike "timed trials") I watch it.  Tonight marks the end of the second week and there isn't a night that I haven't watched the coverage.  OK, but on to the actual point of this point.

The "uniforms" of the Olympics are quite - shall we say, showy.  Case in point, the men's rowing team shown here.  Their "shorts" leave little to the imagination.  You can tell what each man is packing.  Granted, it's truth in advertising... but personally, I'd like to find this out when he takes OFF his pants, but when he has them on.

So as the Olympics has gone on, I've gotten quite a show.  Seems in every sport there are tight bottoms that show off what each man is packing.  And unlike women, that 5th appendage doesn't change size with working out.  On that point, have you seen some of these women?  Working out at such a crazy pace reduces all fat on the body - ALL fat, so... boobs (which are mostly fat) are practically nonexistent!  Poor women.  thank god for crazy push up bras.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

She's a great ride...

File this one under what the hell was she thinking?!?

Ladies, please... just don't!  Seriously think about any tattoo you are going to get...