And shocking... the teacher - Ellen Vick - is no spring chicken. She clocks in at 61 years old. Not sure what exactly the kids motivation was.
But what does GluteBoost do? According to the website the "All Natural Butt Enhancement Pill” delivers “the hour glass figure you deserve without paying for expensive buttock enhancement surgery or enduring the pain of pricey butt injections.”
Doesn't seem like much of a prank to me. Unless the kid likes big butts and wanted something to look at while she was writing on the board. It brings all new meaning to hot for teacher. Who wants to bet that this kid is a cub in training?

Speaking of hot for teacher, last week I saw the article about 3 Triton New Jersey male teachers that had "inappropriate relations" with 3 students between 17 and 18 years old. The teachers - Nicholas Martinelli, Jeffrey Logandro and Daniel Michelli had sexual relations with the students and exchanged sexts. Apparently these guys are both teachers AND coaches. And they took these chicks to Atlantic City on a weekend away. Now, let me say... that's not all that appropriate and all. But these guys are all good looking! Why did they have to turn to the babies - these guys are cute! it's a shame.
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