10 Things Women Obsess Over That Most Men Don’t Care That Much About
1. Saggy Boobs - Author Damon Young says that men love boobs (no shit!) and unless you have duct taped two deflated water balloons to your chest they are ok if they sag a big. We've established the fact probably a bit too many times that I have big boobs. And I'm not passing any "pencil test" any time soon. (FYI, for those of you who don't know, a pencil test.... if you can stick a pencil under your boobs and it says you must always wear a bra. I think my boobs popped out over night and I immediately failed the pencil test. I went from no bra to a B cup. I skipped the training bra and A cup all together.) Saggy breasts aren't really a fact of life until you are much older - after child birth? But wear your bras and don't run without a sports bra and you shouldn't worry about it. And personal experience tells me that men love a little jiggle in the boobs.
2. Stretch Marks - He says, as long as they’re not on your forehead, we’re good. I gotta say, I do worry about mine! I can't say I've ever had a discussion with anyone about our stretchmarks. I think that's because we are so embarrassed of them. Like boobs, I think they pop out overnight. And hey, I have them on my boobs, my legs - and my tummy is clear of them (for long - but I haven't been pregnant yet!). Maybe it's just because I'm "round" but damn, they are a little embarrassing, because you can't only see them - you can feel them too! I can't say I obsess about them (often, because I think I just did - but that's only because this damn list made me!) but, they do bug me - so there must be others out there, and the fact that we don't regularly discuss them must be that we are embarrassed about them, either that or we don't give a shit (but I think it's the former).
3. How soon you’ve “given it up” - He says that it's true that a guy might change his mind about you if you don't want a "suitable" (which is a completely arbitrary) about of time before sleeping with him but that really only matters if he really wasn't into you and is just looking for a reason to kick your ass to the curb. Wait a damn second. That's not fair. How do you know what to do? I gotta tell you, this is an obsession of mine. How long do you wait? What are you supposed to do? Should you wait, should you just go at it right away? Ahh, there is no good answer and it fucking sucks. A guy is going to dump your ass if he doesn't like you - so what do you do? This fucking blows. So we can continue to obsess and there isn't much we can do.
4. How much you eat - Author Damon Young is amazed at how many women order a Caesar salad and ice water on a date, and then cuts it short because her stomach is growling. OK. Yes, we worry about what we will eat and what we do eat on a date. And let me tell you if you are worried about calories a Caesar isn't all that low in them! I would have to say I worry more about how much it costs, if it's going to get messy (yes, I'm a klutz and we've spoken about the ol' Boob Shelf!) I'm also worried about eating something that might upset my already nervous stomach. Yeah, I obsess about food on a date - so live with it, and it's not because I'm worried about how much I eat or that some guy will think I eat too much (I might be a little on the "round" side but believe it or not I don't eat a whole lot - I just don't exercises a whole lot either - it comes with being a damn workaholic). But my issue with food on a date is much bigger than just the calories. Lets get back the first couple of dates and then I'll start eating "normally," until then let me obsess a little. But know I'm not going to order a Caesar salad, I might order a Cobb, but that has bacon on it, and bacon makes everything better.
5. Gifts - Apparently guy don't love gifts as everyone else, according to Mr. Damon Young, but their thoughts are more, “Cool. New stuff.” than “Wow! She really must have taken a lot of time to think about this.“ The thought doesn’t count any more than a gift card does. Yeah, not good. Girls think about things, we want the perfect gift that means something. Don't you get it? And we will get a bit pissy if you don't get it. Humm. guess that's one obsession I should gross off the list. And I'm a bit on the "crafty" side so not only do I like to get the perfect gift I also like to craft and make the perfect card. Yeah, I'm SOL
7. Your hair anywhere other than the top of your head. He says that boys aren't exactly attracted to "legs that feel like brown sugar cactus's" (interesting descriptive - not sure I would have thought of that one!), they don't care about your eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, and pubic area. Again, I call bullshit on this one. I will give him that men don't really care about the eyebrows (with the exception of a uni brow), and eyelashes. But men don't like armpit hair (as a side note, getting mine lasered off - it's awesome!), and they are OBSESSED with public hair. Some like it bald down there, some like it trimmed, some like it shaved into an arrow so they know the way to your pussy (ok, maybe that's extreme - but there are some freaking dumbasses that can't find their way, and they need to find their way AWAY from my pussy!!) I wouldn't say that I obsess about my "other hair" but I definitely take care of it. But it's all about taking care of yourself, and women should - but damn it - men should as well. I don't want to go down on a man with a big ol' bush himself. If I have to wade through a hair jungle to find his shaft, he's not going to get a blow job or he'll get a piss as poor one!
8. What it smells like down there - He tells me that as long as I haven't been spraying “Sex Panther” by Odeon between your legs, you have nothing to be too self-conscious about. If someone can tell me what Sex Panther is I might understand what the hell he's talking about. But I can tell you that without a shower and a 24 hour window girls can smell pretty fresh, and in fresh I don't mean "baby powder fresh." I would say, sex is a go, but if you can smell me before you can see me then maybe we should do this in the shower. And let me tell you - as a woman you have a 6th sense as to what other women smell like - and if you can "smell" another women in a public bathroom it's probably the grossest thing ever. You just want to gag and tell the woman to take a shower. Yeah, I'm feeling a bit queasy now. But when that thought came into my head, I had to write it down so I wasn't the only one feeling queasy. Love you, too ;)
9. Whether we’ll be upset that your jeans are Target Brand instead of True Religion - Damon says, There’s actually a word for guys who really care about stuff like that, and it starts with ‘h” and rhymes with “logoplaxical”. Maybe I'm a dumbass, but what's that word? I still can't figure it out. All I can tell you is that when I had an unlimited income I will tell you that I bought awesome clothes - while I wasn't a designer clothes "wearer" I basically wore nothing but Limited and Ann Taylor, etc. Now I'm a TJ Maxx, Target girl. And you know what - I will tell you guys (and girls for that matter!) cannot tell the difference, but my pocketbook (what an outdated term!) sure can.
10. Your age He says that most guys are concerned in how old a woman acts than in how old she is. Yes, fair. Oh shit. I'm 30, I act like I'm 40, and I look like I'm 16 - I'm fucked.
So, damn it. I do obsess. But not about all 10 things. Maybe I'm better than all girls!
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