Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bitch threw away my stuff... Top 10 things that women throw away

I've lived alone for 10 years now, and honestly I love it.  I can't blame anyone else for leaving dishes in the sink (I do blame the fact that I don't have a dishwasher for this one), and I only can blame myself if I lose something (most often because I attempted to "clean up" and ended up putting the thing back where it "should" belong - not where I usually think it is).

So, I don't have any personal experience with living with a man, but I have lots of friends that have.  And tons of friends who have complained about what their man has laying around the house.

Now, personally... I might flip my shit if someone moved in with me and started throwing away my stuff.  I don't care if you don't think it's important, for some reason I kept it and you damn well better not disrespect that.  Even if that reason is because the trash was too far away and I haven't yet taken the milliseconds to cross the room.    

But... not everyone is me, and some bitches out there be crazy (back to my favorite term - "Bitches be crazy").  So what are women most likely to throw away? 

1. Stereo Equipment

2. Clothing

 3. DVDs/CDs

4. Wall Art

5. Magazines

6. Couch

7. Chair

 8. Sports Equipment

9. Old Hobby/toy Collection(s)

10. Sports Memorabilia

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