Thursday, January 8, 2015

Will you or won't you... Top Names of those women who will get pregnant this year

Positive or negative... hundreds of thousands of people get pregnant every year.  Hell, probably hundreds are getting pregnant at this very minute (insert mental picture here).  Sorry, but it's true.  And like it or not, each of these women will deliver a child and name it something "cleaver" which really has just become the new norm.  I can't imagine how many George's will be coming up in grade school in the next couple of years (Thanks Kate & William). 

But, apparently there is a list floating around on the interwebs of the top 15 names of girls who will get pregnant this year.  What this is based on, I have no idea.  One "article" said it was based on the most popular names of those of baby-making age - but do we really trust anything on the web?

Anyway, drum roll please.... These are the Top 15 Names of Girls who will get pregnant in 2015 (and I will note, my name is NOT on the list, so you will not have to "enjoy" this blog going from crazy shit to just mommy shit.... at least not yet.

Top 15 Names of Girls Who Will Get Pregnant in 2015
15. Taylor
14. Kim
13. Brittany/Britney
12. Lindsay
11. Nicole
10. Katie/Katy
9. Kendall
8. Amber
7.  Amanda
6. Ashley
5. Jennifer, Jenny, Jen
4. Christina, Kristina
3. Heidi
2. Lauren
1. Shannon

** Is it just me or is there a whole lot of these names that scream 80s stripper.  Makes me wonder what many of my generation's father's were doing in their spare time that so many of us are named "Stripper Names"

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