Now, about you - men? Are there phrases that would be absolutely avoided when talking to a person of the fairer gender. Are there phrases that are going to make that that girl run for the hills (and away from you). Maybe make you feel like you should take up residence far from any civilization. I saw on yahoo news that the unibomer - Ted Kaczynski 's former property is for sale in Montana. You scare the pussy off that much - you might want to consider something like that.
So what shouldn't you say? According to there are the 5Tired Boy Moves We'd Like to See Laid to Rest
1. "My Life is just really complicated right now." Of course this gem is usually followed up by a good bye speech. Of course we don't want to hear this - or any other excuses. If you want to break up just tell us the truth - maybe that you just aren't into us anymore - that might be difficult but it's an easier pill to swallow from our end. Tell us that your life is too complicated and us "fix it" girls (maybe like myself) will start trying to fix the complicated parts and your plan just backfired... Hummm, now what you gonna do? Be honest, be truthful, and then you have nothing to worry about.
2. "You're upset by this? Well maybe we shouldn't date if I upset you so much." Hey conflict pussy... Seriously, guys who are are afraid of any type of argument, drama or conflict are not gonna last. If a guy can't handle a little give and take once in awhile - how the hell is he going to handle the BIG problems in life, and we all know there are going to be ones - you know babies, marriage, death (the biggies and not necessarily in that order). And other things that are not cake walks. Is he going to shy away from anything that causes emotional pain. If so, he's not going to last. If he can't handle a little conflict, he can't handle a little anyone.
3. "Yeah, I just ran into Joanna. You remember her, my ex? She wants to have Dinner tomorrow, so I'll do that while you're in class, I guess." What is it about guys... do they want us to get jealous so they can get angry at us for being jealous? Or do they just not get it. Sometimes I really think it's the latter. While deep down they get that the new girl is jealous of the ex girl, they don't really consciously think about it when they go meet the ex girl for drinks, etc. But then they'll still get mad when new girl gets upset -- even if nothing happened. You know why guys - because the ex girl basically only asked you out for one reason and one reason only - because she wanted you back. and You, as the man are the deciding factor - it's old vs. new. Make up your mind and live with the consequences and if you are even thinking about cheating - don't!.
Seriously dude? Are you trying to impress me or that girl's number you got? If I'm dating you the last thing I want to know is that you are out hitting on other women. If other women are slipping you numbers - fine, don't tell me, and damn it - don't call them! You are supposed to be with me. Stay with me, be attentive! After we break up - knock you self out with all the numbers in the world. Tell me the statement above and you'll be needing all those numbers.
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