No.10 Speaking other languages - Difficulty to acquire rating: 8/10
Personally, I'm really really sucky at languages. I took 3 years of spanish in high school and another year in college, and now I'm lucky if I can say hola and adios. So if a guy is a master at a language or even multiple languages then I'm highly impressed. Besides, bonus points if he can translate when someone around me is speaking another language and I don't understand (I hate that!!) recommended resources: Rosetta Stone; as a reference for Indo-European languages. (and defiantly not me... I'm hopeless - give me data and numbers I'm good, languages are not my thing!)
No.9 Playing an instrument - Difficulty to acquire rating: 7/10
I have one example for you... John Mayer. If that douchebag can get that much pussy you know very much that playing an instrument sure does impress the ladies. (Don't get me wrong, I love me some John Mayer music - but I wouldn't come within 100 feet of that penis, I'm sure it has a baker's dozen of STD's!). recommended resources: YouTube is full of musicians recording video tutorials just for the hell of it; these vary in quality, but they're a great way to get started.
No.8 Fixing a car - Difficulty to acquire rating: 6/10
Guys... let me let you in on a little secret, if we can't (or don't want to) do it and you can... we love you for it. And generally cars aren't a woman's world (and yes, I'm generalizing here!) Personally, as long as when I get in my car and turn the key my car moves I'm happy. I dont' want to mess with any repairs or anything recommended resources: for maintenance guides, the student textbook How Cars Work for an illustrated overall guide.
No.7 Dancing- Difficulty to acquire rating: 4/10
While I'm not a good dancer, I could go to a club or such and not be horribly embarrassed, and if a guy can do the same it's definitely a good thing. But there is definitely something impressive about a man who can move on the dancefloor. Something about being confident with dance movements translates very well to movements in the bedroom. If a guy can handle the rhythms on the dance floor, he certainly will know how to "rock your world" in other ways... at least that is the hope. Besides, a man that can dance in the middle of the club sure has some supreme confidence and confidence is very very sexy. recommended resources: There isn't much to learn, exactly, since dancing is more about confidence than anything else, but faking it is always an option. If you still don't feel comfortable, don't be too proud to sign up for a class.
No.6 Cooking - Difficulty to acquire rating: 3/10
Women everywhere like when a man can cook something other than boiling water and opening a beer. It just shows that they are just a wee bit domestic. Maybe it appeals to our conservative nature that many of us immediately imagine the future with the man in question (no matter the situation - don't fight it, admit it girls we do it!)... and seeing and knowing the man can cook just sends chills straight down that spine to the pussy because you can imagine you living in blissfully harmony and sharing the household chores - oh yeah! recommended resources: or for a more comprehensive look at cooking in its entirety, try the book On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee.
No.5 Athletics - Difficulty to acquire rating: 6/10
Just look around you, what type of men have all the women around them? Humm, the men who are jocks, athletes and such. Granted, not every girl loves a jock - but these days even nerds have secret jock sides (look at all the book nerds who run!). Men who participate in sports - especially those that provide for much showing off (no guys - golf does count, but dodgeball and even kickball do!) provide for some great impressing of women. If you live in a large city such as DC, join a league - bonus if it's co-ed - the girls are already there for you to impress! recommended resources:It's more about motivation and effort than learning a skill; organize a league with friends, find existing leagues on or just look for a gym.
No.4 Handyman skills - Difficulty to acquire rating: 4/10
Now I might be super biased here, but this might be just the hottest thing ever... Granted, I'm a woman with a single family home and no family within a couple hundred miles to help me with home repair. I'm pretty handy myself, but there is only so much a short girl can do by herself. A guy who is good with his hands is a real bonus in my book. Besides, like the dancer guy - a guy who is handy with tools has a real possibility in the bedroom. And while I like my men professional they can't be too "soft" they have to know how to fix stuff as well - blame my blue collar background... and I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I'm sure there are lots of other girls out there the same way, boys are supposed to be able to fix things - stereotypes be damned. recommended resources:How to Fix Damn Near Everything is a comprehensive manual on the subject, while is a reliable online resource
No.3 Bedroom skills - Difficulty to acquire rating: 6/10
Do we really even need to discuss this? recommenced resources: Not to toot our own horn, but AskMen's online sex advice columns, as well as our book From the Bar to the Bedroom, are solid resources on this topic.
No.2 Style and grooming - Difficulty to acquirer rating: 2/10
With this no one is saying that every man has to look like a metrosexual that just stepped out of the pages of GQ, in fact that kind of look looks pretty silly on most guys - only a very special few can pull it off! What impresses women is a man having his own personal style and being comfortable with it. You know, not always looking like he just rolled out of bed and threw on whatever what on the floor, but actually taking care of his appearance. It's not all that difficult. recommended resources: The Style Bible gives you all the tools you'll need to get started.
No.1 Conversation - Difficulty to acquire rating: 6/10
It might sound simple... but having a conversation can be the most difficult thing to do with dating... I have to admit that I am not the best at it. I never know what to say. Especially to the dreaded, "What do you like to do? question..." I hate that ... I never know what to say... it's a skill to have a conversation, especially with someone you don't know very well (i.e. on a first date). Those who master that skill should be handsomely rewarded. reccomended resources: Leil Lowndes' How to Talk to Anyone or one of AskMen's numerous guides on the subject.
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