Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Responding to Personal Ads... and actually getting responses.

Every once in awhile I get in a mood.  You know - one of those moods where I think that dating might be a good idea.  So I start responding to personal ads.  And in doing that, I go to my "favorite" free sites.  The last couple of days my sites of choice have been the old Craig's List and OKCupid.  So, in the last couple of days - or week or so I think I have responded to a good 10 ads/posts (or whatever you want to call it).  And so far, I have a response rate of 0%.  Obviously, I'm doing something WAY wrong.  Now, if you remember, I went through a very similar phase - shall we call it - back in September and wrote a post about it - Responses to Online Personal Ads and Postings - Zero for Seven this week 

Now, I can't be the only person who is having trouble getting responses from their responses.  So I searched online and found a guide...  So for your (and my) information, according to 

How to respond to a personal ad

1. Write a personal response.

Don't send a form response to each ad to respond to.  (Duh!)  When I post an ad myself, I can spot these responses a mile away, they are so impersonal and obviously copied and pasted for each response.  Make a special mention of something he/she wrote in their ad (check, I always make a quirky little comment about something their wrote - granted, this is often all I write - and maybe that is my problem...)
2.  Avoid using lists to describe yourself.
Really?  I like lists. says lists are boring and a conversational type of sentence is much more catching.  Do's: "I like all kinds of outdoor activities. I do a lot of running and swimming to stay in shape." and "I like all kinds of outdoor activities. I do a lot of running and swimming to stay in shape. "... Don'ts ""My interests include running, hiking, swimming, dancing, hang out with friends, seeing live music, MT bike riding, people watching, cooking and photography."  I have to say lists are easier (and quicker!) and seem to get your point across much quicker.  But maybe that's not getting you the man (or woman) so more thought needs to be put into it. 

3. Don't expect your pictures to do all the talking
Pictures mean a whole hell of a lot.  Especially in an era of immediate satisfaction - everyone judges each other based on each others looks.  So automatically we think that we had to include pictures with our responses. says that you shouldn't let your picture do all the work - and let your personality shine through.  Now, another strike for me.  I may not be the most perfect girl on the block (but then again who is!!) and often I will send my witty response and my picture and just hope for the best.  So I guess it's not a total loss here. 

4. Don't LOL
I'm not a girl who really LOL's - in fact I hate the term.  I think it's kind of a retarded term.  Although, I do have a problem with using too many emoticons, or smiley faces. 
5. Describe your personality, not your appearance.
But, But, But.  All the guys just want to know about what you look like.  Granted those are probably the guys who don't really want to get to know you - you know like really know you.  They just want to get to know you Biblically if you get my drift. says if you send a good picture you don't necessarily have to describe the typical height, weight and hair color (I beg to differ because guys still want to know - and sometimes still don't trust your pictures!).  They suggest you use your response to describe your personality - but what should you really describe?
6.  Be choosy about who you respond to. They are.
I have to say, I'm pretty damn choosy about who I respond to!  Being in a rather large metro area I have hundreds - if not thousands - of men I can respond to on a daily basis (and for the rest of my life!)... But I'm pretty picky on who and when I respond.  I read their ad and respond in kind to what they've said - all recommendations from
7. Don't send poetry.
No. No. NO!  Don't send poetry, or song lyrics or anything!  Just use your own words.  Please! 

8.  Don't talk about your "junk."
And if I seriously get one more picture of a man's penis I might freak out.  Guys, just don't.  Junk pictures aren't attractive and is NOT going to make me want to go out with you, in fact it's just going to make me delete you immediately. 
I know Caps lock means that you are telling at a person, but I also find it really hard to read.  If I get a response in all caps lock I delete it immediately - it looks childish. 
10.  Include a good picture.
As much as they said before - pictures are worth a thousand words.  Make sure it's a good one.  And not of something stupid - like your car, your niece, your dog (even if I love dogs - at least make sure YOU are in it). 

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