OK, back to the topic at hand. Leggings. Leggings are awesome. They allow you to wear dresses all through the winter. They are thicker (and warmer) than tights and don't snag and run when you even think about them snagging (Can you tell I have HORRIBLE luck with tights and nylons). Leggings are great tucked into those so comfortable (and sexy) knee high boots.
BUT... this brings me to the topic at hand. Leggings are NOT pants. Leggings should be utilized the way way that nylons or tights are utilized. That does NOT mean that you can wear a crop top and leggings. That does mean you can wear a dress or just get away with a long sweater. Basically... think about covering your ass. Leggings might appear to be opaque, but more often than not when stretched tight (as leggings are supposed to do), they appear a bit see through. And really? Do you want your Thursday day of the week underwear showing on a random Monday (you know you do it, just admit it!)
I found this handy guide on HuffPo, print it out... hang it in your closet. Refer to it as necessary, but please... for all that is holy and good remember Leggings are NOT pants. You do NOT want to be like one of those creatures of Walmart who is wearing pink leggings and look totally butt ass naked.
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