It's a Saturday night and I'm home alone (don't feel sorry for me, I'm actually pretty entertained)
So, tonight I turned on netflix and felt like finding something new and different. And holy shit, did I find something new! Turns out Netflix has a season of a show called Frisky Business. Frisky Business is a docu-series about the UK's largest sex toy website called According to Love Honey's own website...
Immediately upon seeing the description of the show on Netflix you know I was hooked. Not only do I have a keen interest in sex toys (umm, have you read any of this blog?!?), but I have a sick fascination with docu-series shows like this. I like reality shows where we are let into someone else's world and get to see how they tick and what their influence (or lack there of) is on their world.Throughout the series, you'll see average days working in the sex toy industry and get to know the whole lovable and silly gang, doing our part to keep the world sexually happy. 'Frisky Business' is a frank, funny and friendly insight to the adult retail world and shows what makes working at Lovehoney extra special.
Netflix has the entire first series streaming right now (watch it while you can - lately Netflix has been killing me with taking entire shows off - Law and Order... one of my go-to's disappeared within the last couple of months) There are six hour-long episodes and I've completed one episode and about 3/4 through the second and I'm in love!
The show is awesome in that it takes an industry that people like to demonize and makes it perfectly normal. For instance, they show the customer service people talking to customers about length of dildos or smoothness of a sex toy in a perfectly calm and normal voice - just like they were discussing TPS reports (bonus if you know that reference - and if you don't... you probably should be shot)
But, my favorite "characters" are those who work in the Returns department. Yes, returns. Apparently allows for returns of any of their products no questions asked. Yes, returning sex toys.... something that if it doesn't have bodily fluids on or in it then it was not used correctly. The babyboomer Grandmother type is the head of the returns department and reviews each return - usually with latex gloves on (do you blame her!?!). I've only watched the first episode in completion, but so far my favorite story is her explaining to her coworkers the most recent return. Through giggles, she reads the reason for return, "My son took and used my credit card without permission and bought a number of sex toys from your website. He apparently did not think I would review my credit card statement, but he was wrong. I made him to go his girlfriend's house and fetch the sex toys. I request a full refund because he did not have permission to use my credit card."

So, until further notice, I will be watching Frisky Business and of course will be completely upset when I run of out of episodes (only 6!!!). In the meantime, feel free to browse the website and feel free as well to forward any toys my way (they have a special Christmas section!)
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