As I'm sure you have seen/heard/witnessed in the last 24 hours, Harvard's annual "Sex Week" has become national headlines. I wish I could blame it on a slow news day - but since it's election day, that's the furthest from the case.
So, annually Harvard University "hosts" a week of Sex Seminars. This year one of them offered is "What What in the Butt." Yes, you are reading that right, it's billed as Anal Sex 101. The syllabus includes topics of anal anatomy, the potential for pleasure of both genders, how to have "the talk" about anal sex, basic preparation and hygiene, lubes, anal toys, safer sex, and anal penetration for beginners.
Personally, not a fan of anal sex. No, that's not correct - I think it's horrible - but I do have to commend Harvard on covering the topic so completely!
And before you imagine an old man with a bad comb-over who wears an old corduroy suit jacket with patches at the elbows... know that it's not a Harvard professor teaching this course. Instead, a local sex store appropriately named "Good Vibrations" will teach this one-time class.

I guess those students really are getting their monies worth in their Harvard education!
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