Monday, March 21, 2011

Penis Sizes of the World Map

I must pass this little bit of information on... Someone out there (a genuis of course!) made a map of the average penis sizes of the world. 

I would like to point out a couple of things - 

1.  First, WTF, the United States is in the second to lowest category (11.67 - 13.48).  Now I also don't know what the unit of measurement is here - is it inches, it it flaccid or erect - I wish I could tell you, but I can't - and I also can't tell you where this came from - - remember, it's on the Internet so it must be true!
And for the United States to be on the low end might explain some things - - like why lately we have such a Napoleon complex and have a need to get involved in other countries affairs... (no judgement here, but we sure do seem to be putting out nose out there a great deal...)

2.  Looks like that whole Asian myth might just be true....

3.  As might be that black thing...

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