Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sketchy message from Sketchy people. What could possibly be next?!?

Today I got a notification email telling me that I had a new message on okcupid.  Now, these notices used to make my heart skip a beat and get really excited...


 Sometimes I get the strangest emails.  Just today alone, I got the following:

1.  Mr. L (names are changed to protect the innocent... although I'm not 100% sure these guys are actually INNOCENT!)
--> Mr. L's basic stats look good.  Nothing too outstanding, but ok nonetheless.  He even has stated that he's a non-smoker - which is a huge deal for me.  I can't date a smoker, no ifs ands or butts (pun intended, I guess).  The smell is smoke is gross and just seems to permeate everything - god forbid my hair is down that day.  I need multiple washes to get the smell of smoke out of my hair -- and my hair is thick and curly and seems to just absorb the smell more than most!  So anyway, this guy "claims" to not smoke in his basic information - BUT the main profile picture is him with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.... DELETE, on to the next...

2. Mr. MIA/Cougar Hunter
--> The time is 1:35 pm.  In quick succession I get two emails (one at 1:35 and a second at 1:36).  Nice enough emails and I can forgive two emails in quick succession.  Because I was busy, I looked at the email(s) really quickly and moved on.  The first email asked if I was interested in a younger man.  Younger, I can live with that.  But he was 18 (EIGHTEEN), that makes his barely legal, and nearly half my age, tonight I went back to the account to be nice and say thanks but no thanks, and guess whose profile magically no longer exists.  Yup, Mr. MIA.  Cheater much?..... DELETE, on to the next...

3.  Crazy Cat MAN
-Email #3 came a little later and wasn't exactly looking promising (24, not geographically desirable, and low match percentage (50%), and while I question the okcupid's match percentage calculator - I don't totally ignore it.  But oh god, the pictures.... Picture #1 is of the Crazy Cat man with a freaky looking hairless cat on his shoulder  - a hairless cat, they look like giant rats!!; Picture #2 was him "juggling" a hammer in front of a bounce house (it's like one of those Highlights "how many things can you find wrong with this picture); Picture #3 is a huge picture of his hookah stating how how much he LOVES hookah.  .... DELETE.

Maybe tomorrow's emails will be better?!?

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