Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Drunk Mode for your phone

I don't know about you, but I've had those nights where you should NOT be using your phone.  You know what I mean.... those drunk dials or texts to old flames at 2 am are never a good idea.  I will admit, I made my fair share of these calls in my 20's.  Especially to one (very patient) guy, who I almost always happened to call when I was highly intoxicated and would just say over and over and over again, "I need you!"  Now, at the time I was in college and interning in DC and he was still back home in Michigan working as a legit lawyer.  And even more ironic, we had never hooked up or even gone on a date.... I had just decided he was the "one."  Yup, take a moment to laugh at my expense.  

Now, I'm older and arguably a little bit wiser (although I wouldn't take that to the bank) and I can say I've only done the drunk text a handful of times in the last few years.  And these days, it's not to hook up but more of a "why didn't we work out... I'm SO awesome... why don't you LOVE me"

But enough about me, and more about this amazing indiegogo campaign I came across this afternoon.  Drunk Mode is an App in Beta testing that provides the following features:

--> Find My Drunk: Utilizing GPS mode, the App can help you find that drunk friend who has wandered off

--> Breadcrumbs: The App will help "refresh" your memory as to where you were and at what time last night.  Super helpful if you discover that your Credit Card is missing and at some bar holding a tab.

--> Stop Drunk Dialing: Most helpful for those late night calls you just think you have to make, the App will stop you from Drunk Dialing. 

And the following features are still in development, to be funded by the indiegogo campaign

---> Find a Ride: The App helps you find where taxi's, Uber/Lyfts, drunk buses, safe rides and public transportation are in real time.  Drunk driving is BAD, BAD, BAD!

--> Recovery Mode: To help you restore all of the lost snapchats and where they were taken.

--> Night Time Enhancers: Real time location to find cheaper Happy Hours and Food Specials

--> The Hype Map: Find the best parties. 

GO, GO, GO to their indigogo page (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/drunk-mode) and donate today to make the full app a reality.  You know you need it. 

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