Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top 10 ways men turn off women...

Women are fickle creatures.  I only say that because I am one, and honestly girls - we can be big ass bitches!  Sometimes I wonder how guys even put up with us.  Oh wait, I know!  it's the sex.  Duh.  But, first they gotta impress us enough to get us horizontal, or vertical up against a wall, or on all fours... you get my drift.. 

So, guys.. take note.  According to - these are the top 10 things that make us turn away and think twice about getting close to us.  Avoid if at all possible!

No.10 Overt drunkenness

Yes, we get it.  There are times that you (and us!) want to get seriously out of control drunk.  You know, maybe your buddy's bachelor party.  But if you are out looking for a woman the last thing we are going to be attracted to is the guy in the corner slurring his words.  For one, he's probably going to be pawing all over us, and probably not going to remember shit about it in the morning.  And really, as much as many of us like to mother, we really don't want to do that on the first date! 

No.9 Dirty dancing

Not many people are qualified to be on Dancing with the Stars, and even those who are on the show train for hours every day!  And seriously guys, the LAST thing we want is you coming up behind us and grinding your junk on our ass as a getting to know you maneuver.  If I wanted that I probably would have just gone up to you and grabbed your crotch, and you don't see me doing that, do you?  So, if you want to dance with me in a bar/club/whatever.  Approach from the front.  More than likely she'll accept you and you'll move on.  great! 

No.8 Bluetooth in ear

Seriously, nothing looks as retarded as someone with a Bluetooth in their ear.  When I see that blue light flashing or even something in their ear I shudder a little bit.  Even worse is when they are walking around in what it looks like they are talking to themselves.  I don't know about you, but I think that the bluetooth has a great purpose, and it's for hands free while you are DRIVING!  When you are just walking and just hanging out, it's not needed!

No.7 Negativity

Joking and scarcism are great and even flirty.  But it's not great when a guy is constantly negative abut the world, himself and even worse - about YOU!  Guys should try to error on the side of gentlemanly, nice and fun when first meeting someone (yes, at first, reel them in, and if the negatively comes out later it might be a little harder to get rid of him after you have actual feelings)  The negative comments, according to Askmen, can show that a man is picky, snobby, mean, or just plain stupid - all things that you just want to AVOID!

No.6 Bad pickup lines

When all goes wrong, guys tend to lean on those old standby pick up lines.  Of course - I have to say, I don't blame them!  It can't be easy to go up to a woman and ask them out or even talk to them.  Most of the time I'm too much of a pussy to do so.  But, guys, if you do fall back on those old standby pickup lines, the really bad and cheesy ones are huge turn offs.  (Look at my posts on good and bad pickup lines to review, or even Jersey Shore pickup lines!) 

No.5 Excessive cologne

A good smelling man is a huge turn-ON, that is a man that you have to lean in to smell him, or that you just get a wiff as he walks by.  A man that you can smell as he approaches - from feet away is a huge turn off.  personally, too strong of a smell gives me a major headache, and I know others that feel the same way.  You want to have to take a deep breath to smell him, not choke when you do.  A little goes a long way.

No.4 Swearing

Swearing is a part of life.  In fact a good shit, fuck or damn really drives the point across (as you've seen me use many many times.)  But when  you are using these words multiple times in every sentence it's a bit of turn off.  Just try to keep it at a once in awhile type for dramatic effect.

No.3 Douchebag friends

You know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  And if his friends are douchebags that really makes you question him!  He could really be on his best behavior while he's woman hunting and as soon as he hooks you in he lets down his guard and shows his true (douchebag) colors!  And trust me, every woman sees this coming a mile away (and if she doesn't - she's dumb and deserves your stupid ass anyway!).  So dude, you can have those friends that aren't always on their best behavior - but if all  your friends are always that way - maybe you should take a long look in the mirror and think about who you really are.

No.2 Bad breath

Nothing turns me off than getting close to a guy and then smelling his dirty nasty breath.  Yuck.  And then kissing him and tasting it too.  I don't care how hot he is, if it's nasty it's very very hard to get over.  So guys, carry gum, mints or breath spray with you at all times.  Girls should too.

No.1 A kid

I might be the only one, but I think a guy who knows how to take care of a child, and handle a baby is extremely attractive.  But then again, I don't really want to find myself moving into a ready made family - so a single dad isn't really on my to do list.  According to, a single dad can mean a world of trouble: commitment issues, baggage, immaturity, or an angry ex. Plus, not all women are the motherly type. Break the daddy news to her after a few dates, because surprising her with a kid is a huge turnoff.

1 comment:

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