Friday, May 21, 2010

Dogs and Dating

I have two dogs, a medium sized one (a corgi) and a extra large one (mastiff).  Neither are kick-dogs nor are they push overs.  In fact they probably aren't the "typical girl" dogs.  The corgi, might look a little fluffy and more female friendly - but he can be a bad ass and will fight to the death.  But that's beside the point. 

My point is that there is a double standard when it comes to the genders, dating, and dogs. 

Yes, believe it or not. It is true.  Lets explore the issue further. 

1.  Women love dogs (especially puppies).  Women love men.  Hence, by the transitive principal - women love men with dogs (especially puppies).  Seeing a man with a furry little creature makes women oohh and awww.  It's an instant draw and an instant ice breaker.  Many women bend over (often showing cleavage!) and want to pet the dog.  Could it be a subconscious thing that we are attracted to a man who has accepted the responsibility to take care of something more than himself?  Who knows! (Personally, I have a strange attraction to a man with a child - any man who is good with kids just makes me hot - yes, it's embarrassing, but I can't help it!) 

2.  Men see dogs as baggage.  This might just be from personal experience (which I have a lot!) But I've found that men, who don't have dogs, see dogs as baggage.  If you have dogs  you know what I mean.  Going out after work is no longer possible. You got take them for walks after work.  You can't take impromptu trips, and you can't be away from your house for long periods of time.  Never mind the guilt you feel for leaving them home alone (maybe that's just me!) 

3.  Women LOVE the squeaky little kick dog.  While not for me, and you'll never ever, ever hear me condone this practice - women LOVE the little fluffy yappy kick dog.  These dogs are the ones that were bred to do nothing but look "good."  (Good is relative to me)  These are the dogs that when you see a man walking it you laugh to yourself and know that it's his girlfriend/wife/significant other's dog and know he's only doing it to get pussy.  No wonder most men aren't attracted to a girl with a dog - when most of the time the dog is like this!

My experience is two fold.  When it was just the corgi - I had much less of a response.  Men didn't seem to care very much.  He was kind of a non-issue.  If they liked dogs, he was a-ok.  (except you'd have to understand him - he's a big special)  If they didn't he was a bit annoying.  Now, as a small woman - get a big dog... The response changes.  Men flock to the dog... let me say that again, men flock to the dogI believe that's were the difference lies between men and women.  Women flock to the dog and stay and talk to the man-owner.  Men flock to the dog and only speak to the women-owner to get the basics on the dog.  The dog is the main focus.  The woman is the after thought.  Big dog is the star.  So, get a big dog - feel like second fiddle, get ignored - BUT at least you get a lot of eye candy close?  Does it work?  Yeah, works for me.  It's not helping me get dates - but I'm thinking of renting him out to my brother, I'm sure it will work for him.

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