Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tetris Dating Rules

If you are anything like me you loved Tetris growing up (and still do!)  There is something mesmerizing, time consuming and mindless about those 4 blocks in different formations falling down your screen and landing in perfect unison.  But did you know that you were learning about dating as you played those blocks?  neither did I.  So imagine my surprise when I saw an article on the Frisky about 13 Dating Rules that we learned from playing tetris (and no, I don't just "come across" these articles, I look for them...)

1. Focus is key. If you really want to play, you can’t let anything distract you. Not the crazy guy on the train, not the music of the person sitting next to you, and not the few bumps on the route that might jostle your game hand.
You have to focus on both the game and a relationship to make it work.  Lose focus for a minute and boom you have blocks everywhere and men falling left and right.  Even worse the further you get into it, a slip of focus can cost exponential more. 

2. Be careful what you do with squares, because squares lack the flexibility of other shapes. They go down, but not left or right. You might want to avoid them at all cost, actually.
Ahh, squares.  I don't like them.  In fact, when I can I put them in the "hold" box (if you lovely version of Tetris allows such) and then use them when I absolutely have to.  Human squares are just as boring, they don't bend, change or fill in any gaps in  your life.  They are just there.  And who wants someone who is just there.

3.If you wait to put the long rod in the hole, it’s much more satisfying.
Umm, need I say more?  And I'm not talking tetris here.

4.One major error can throw your whole game.
Like #1, lose  your focus and place the wrong box in the wrong place and you might have one big empty space, and empty space is not good.  Watch out for those errors, one can throw the whole relationship/game off.

5.Sometimes it’s in your best interest to kill a game when it’s getting bad.
There is a reset or quit button on Tetris, not so much in life.  But there is one thing that you can do in life.  It's called breaking up.  If it's bad, really bad.  Just push the power button and start over with a new one.

6.Sometimes your lines can be stacking up and you think it’s over, and then you get the piece you need and everything turns around.
Stress and life can get in the way of dating ... But sometimes when you least expect it (and i hate that term!) down falls the person  you are looking at.  It's like the perfect blocks just fitting into place.

7.The more you play, the better you are at intuiting where pieces fit best.
Ahh, the more frogs you kiss, the more likely you are to find your prince... Right?  So keep playing and eventually you will find the right fit

8.A solid foundation sets you up for a winning game and the best way to set up that foundation is practice, practice, practice.
Blah, blah.  We all know that a solid foundation in a relationship helps make it work.  Probably not great if you put your pieces willy-nilly and just hope it works out.

9.Even if you have an almost clear board and think you’re winning, the moment you get overconfident and slack off, everything can go to shit.
Overconfidence is always bad.  Just when you think you have it (and I'm talking LIFE) under control something blows up in your face and shit... it's all over.

10.Experiment! Sometimes different shapes make surprisingly good combinations. And just when you least expect it, you might find a combo that creates a new window of opportunity.
No one said you have to settle on the first block you see. 

11.Don’t worry about the final tally of lines or scores — just focus at the line in front of you.
Scoring is great.  But it's not the ultimate goal.  Focus on what's at hand and try not to plan for the future.

12.Remember, this is a game. It’s supposed to be challenging, but also fun! If it’s not fun, don’t bother playing.
Dating should be fun, right?

13.If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the game you’re playing, it might be time to take a break and try something else. Like solitaire.
If dating sucks, it might just be some time to take care of yourself...

1 comment:

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