Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Anonymous ....

I originally started out this blog thinking it would be anonymous.  Well, all that flew out the window when I started linking the postings on my facebook and twitter pages.  I had to be real, without linking to for my friends to see no one was going to read it.  Very few people would "accidentally" come across my random musings.  I can't fool myself to think someone would actually give two shits about what I say/write - even if I fool myself to thinking it's important. 

Now, if you've read my postings they aren't always the most appropriate for all readers.  Think bosses - family members - small children -- all of which are my friends on facebook.  This makes me a bit nervous.  I have questioned if I should continue to link the blog postings to facebook at all.  If I do this - you, my loyal or not so loyal (you better become loyal damn it!) readers would have to bookmark this and remember to visit on a semi regular basis to see updates.  You could alternatively "become a fan." 

It's just something I'm considering to venture more into anonymous territory.  Let me know your thoughts, opinions on the matter.

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