Friday, July 2, 2010

Pizza Face... acne everywhere!

In high school its ok to be struggling with acne, right?  All teenagers have pimples, it's a right of passage. 

But, I'm 29 years old and have more acne than most teenagers.  Umm really?!?  Are you kidding?  Not only do I look like I'm very young, but my face is full of zits. 

I can practically hear all of you out there telling me products to use.  Everyone's favorite seems to be Proactiv (if it works for all those great celebrities, it should work for me, right!)   Let me tell you.  I've tried proactiv.  That shit burned the shit out of my face.  Like, chemically burned the skin on my face.  For weeks I had a red, peeling face that looked like I had really gotten a chemical peel at a salon.  Now, you'd think that would be a great thing, right?  Yeah, no - it wasn't THAT kind of chemical peal.  It just hurt like a bitch.

These days I've found something that's a little more gentle - I'm not burning my face on a regular basis - but I'm still controlling my face (partially).  It's Philosophy's On a Clear Day line.  Bonus Points too because it qualifies as a medical expense and therefore I can get it under my Flexible Spending Account Plan (FSA) and get it pretax dollars!  Really it's the little things in life for me.

But as to prevent this post from being the most boring blog post ever. . . . Tonight I have a date.  And of course, I break out.  Not only do I break out, but I get two awesome zits.  First, is the awesome one right on the bridge of my nose - in the middle of my eyes.  And you know - it can't be a small one, it's got to be a big one.  You know the kind that actually obstructs your vision because you cannot help but see it because it's so big and just right there on the bridge of your nose.  Yes, that's the zit I have.  So I can't hide it by makeup, and even if I tried, it would look worse.

The second zit might even be worse.  But being that it's opening weekend for that silly Twilight movie it might be ok.  My second zit is a huge honker on the side of my neck.  It literally looks like a vampire, or at least a spider bit my neck and left me for dead.  So this huge tumor of a zit on the side of my neck might be just attractive for a vampire - I better hide from all those Edward and Jacob lovers out there - psychos!

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