This might be a little off topic - as this blog has kind of turned into a dating, sex, etc blog. But it's mine, so damn it - I can put up whatever the hell I want!
We all have those friends who are afraid of toilet seats. I mean like deathly afraid of them. You know those people - the ones that HAVE to squat over the toilet (usually splashing urine all over the seat for the next person - usually me!), or those who so carefully arrange toilet paper to cover the entire seat before sitting down. Now, guys this isn't as applicable to you - and you may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about - but there is this phenomenon among women that they have to cover the seat or hover over the seat to avoid germs.
But, guess what people... your efforts are in vain!
You can't get an STD from a toilet seat, because the diseases can't live that long outside the body. The ONLY way you can catch something is if the bacteria has huge colonies and you have a big open cut on your ass.
So ladies, please sit your ass down, I'm sick of sitting in pee.
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