Friday, October 26, 2012

Want a virgin, be prepared to pay dearly!

Now, I'm not sure who really wants a virgin, except maybe another virgin.  From my experience, being a virgin isn't all that.  Both boy and girl virgins have no experience (obviously!) and don't know what they are doing.  And from my experience, having sex with a guy who doesn't know what he's doing surely lacks a lot of pleasure.  Now, since I'm a guy, I can't pretend to understand what it's like screwing a virgin woman, and I'm sure it has better qualities than a male virgin - but I would assume her only redeeming quality would be that she's tight...

But, apparently I'm wrong.... Guys out there are searching for virgins and are willing to pay hefty for the pleasure of devirginizing a young woman.  Here are some stories of women/girls who auctioned off their virginity ....

Case #1: Catarina Mogliorini
Catarina - a 20 year old Brazilian woman auctioned herself off - making more money than many of us will see in a lifetime.  For the small sum of $780,000 Catarina sold her virginity.  She has promised to donate as much as 90% of her proceeds to charities that build homes in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina (obviously her namesake).  Although, I do have to say, she's got an amazing body - I hope she's worth it!

Case #2: Natalie Dylan
Natalie Dylan - who has a bachelor's in Woman's Studies from Sacramento State (umm, aren't women's studies majors supposed to be feminists....) - went on Howard Stern to sell herself.  But, it was to pay off her college debt!  Natalie was connected -- to a known pimp... Her sister was working at the famous Nevada brothel the Bunny Ranch, and the owner of the Bunny Rance offered to help her sell her virginity.  The rumor is that the bids went as high as $3.7 mil (how much you want to bet it was an old fat millionaire), Natalie never consummated the deal.  But she did walk away with $250K - I'm sure for the publicity it brought.  Not a bad deal for her.

Case #3: Ungirl
An unnamed New Zeeland 19 year old put herself up for virginity auction under the name Ungirl.  Posting on the website (never heard of that one) she got 1,200 bids but settled on an offer for $32K... Umm, really?  Natalie got $250K and didn't even put out.  $32K seems a little weak.

Case #4: Alina Percea
In Romania, and 18 year old girl auctioned herself off as well.  And like Natalie (who seems to be the gold standard), Alina wanted to pay for a college degree in computing.  The lucky winner was a 45 year old Italian business man who bought her services for $14K.  And Alina claims to have enjoyed the experience.  Umm, bitch is a liar - I've not heard one good story about a first time from a girl...ever.

I sure bet all their parents are SO proud!

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