Thursday, December 2, 2010

What do men notice first? Boobs? Ass? No, those luscious lips!

First... get your mind out of the gutter - not THOSE lips.  Wait, maybe it's just MY mind in the gutter - but that's pretty normal - isn't it! 

According to scientists at Manchester University in the United Kingdom - when looking at a women's face, men are attracted to a woman's lips - especially if they are wearing red lipstick.  Using some kind of fancy eye-tracking software - the scientists found that in the 10 seconds after meeting a woman for the first time the average man spends more than half the time looking at her mouth.  (maybe imagining the possibilities?)

The study also shows that whether women have thin or thick lips still fall short in comparison to those who wear lipstick.  (Note to self, I might want to start wearing that lipstick I keep buying and meaning to wear!)

So note to the women out there.  Apparently nude lips with just chap stick, while easy for us - isn't the best way to meet a guy.  Go for some color - apparently red is the way to go.  But I would have to assume that a color that looks good on you is much more attractive than a red that is unattractive.  And also, go for the gloss... Anything shiny is going to attract a man, but take off some of the stickiness before you go in for the kiss - nothing is worse to a guy than getting all that yuck on their lips.

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