Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Turning 30...

So that day has come.  Today I turn 30. 

Honestly, it's been all about the build up.  And to say, it's all been easy would be a total lie.  I would have to say that the worst part has been the preceding 6 months.  For the past 6 months, I have been doing a lot of thinking... Thinking about where I am, what I want and who I want to be.  For the most part, I'm extremely happy!  I have all that I want that I can work hard for.  Yes, money can be tight at the end of the pay period.  I'm not too proud to admit that I've looked at my dog's food and wondered if I could eat that... (no, I never have.  Shh, but thank god, my office has snacks - take a couple extra packets of pretzels home and it's a fine dinner.)  I pay all the necessary bills - you know - mortgage, gas, electric, shoes.  It's those unnecessary things like food that sometimes have to slip. 

A couple of things I want to change... I'd like to lose the weight that's gradually and well, not so gradually crept on over the past 10 or so years.  I put on a lot of weight when I went on some prescriptions.  Damn drugs.  If only I didn't get every side effect that prescriptions give.  I swear that everyone that is listed on the back of the drug vial hits me.  Even if the damn thing says it will cause weight loss - I get weight gain.  yes, I'm that lucky.  Also, I've come to the conclusion that most men don't like the fat girl.  Yes, there are some chubby chasers out there.  But they are few and far between - and they usually have other issues as well!  And issues is something I don't have the time or energy to deal with.  I don't want to be stick skinny - just fit  I'd rather not have to wear one of those silly shapers that often make you feel like a sausage under EVERYTHING. 

Humm, how about dating, and when I say that I mean REAL dating.  Like not just screwing around.  But find a guy who actually wants me for me and not just as a pin cushion.  Enough said.

Some people have asked me if I will be changing the title of this blog.  No, I think the title is perfect.  I'll be 29 and holding forever :)


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