Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Head.

I work with a lot of current and former military folks and even people who grew up in military families.  And there is one phrase/word that I will NEVER get used to. The word, "head" used to describe the "bathroom." 

Now, as much as this pains me, I am going to actually learn you something here.  So take a deep breath and just work with me for a second. 

According to ehow.com:
The term comes from the days when the Navy used sailing ships. The 'head' on a sailing ship is located all the way forward, where the figurehead was attached to the hull. Thus, the name arrived from the figurehead on the sailing ship. On either side of the bowsprit next to the figurehead, the crew could relieve themselves.   The Navy is not the only service to use different names for the bathroom. The Army and Air Force use the term 'latrine' when referring to a toilet or bathroom. The Marine Corps and the Coast Guard use the term 'head' when referring to a bathroom. There is a misconception about the term 'head.' Many people believe that because the sailing crews were all men, the term 'head' derives from that portion of the male anatomy. This misconception has continued through various jokes and lack of knowledge about naval traditions
So.... imagine a guy coming up to you and asking, "Where is the head?"  For some reason I really cannot keep a straight face.  Also, the favorite phrase is that they are going to "hit the head"  Again, keep a straight face with that one.  NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!  Of course, maybe it's just me. 

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