Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Millionaire Matchmaker

I love to hate Patti Stanger - the Millionaire Matchmaker - who has a show on Bravo tv.  For those of who who do not know Patti (and apparently have been living under a rock!) - she's a matchmaker based in Los Angeles, CA who caters to those clients - male and female - who have over a million dollars in assets.  Patti claims to have a very high "match percentage" and also claims to be able provide soul mates for all her clients.  Blah, Blah.

Now, I'm a fan of twitter, not in that I like to blab and share the personal details of my OWN life - but I like to be able to read and ease drop on the personal details of others.  Some people might prefer the word, stalk... But not me!  If someone is putting that information out there, and has allowed me to follow their page, it cannot possibly be stalking, right?!?  Anyway, one of my favorite things to do on facebook is to follow celebrities, and pseudo-celebrities. 

I don't know if you've watched the Millionaire Matchmaker - but it's kind of addicting.  Sometimes Patti is kind of annoying though - she's a bit of a bitch.  She is very critical of both her clients (the millionaires) and the dates (the girls/guys she is matching up with the millionaire).  She will make the change to better fit the situation, the date, and even look better - even if the person fights it tooth and nail.  But in the end, she really is looking to make people happy, even if her method is a little wack-a-doo. 

But following her on twitter is really interesting.  Every so often, sometimes daily, sometimes twice a day, sometimes every couple of days she posts a tid bit of advice that really rings true and that we should all listen and think about in our dating lives!  Here are a couple that have really struck me lately.

1. In dating, you’ll have to try on quite a few pairs of shoes before you find the perfect fit.

2.  Nothing makes a man happier than feeling like he won the prize. So, let him ask you out. 

3.  Every man wants to feel like he’s the only man you’ve ever had fun with. 

4. A good woman will signal a man, then let him come to her. 

5. The 4:1 rule: every four times he takes you out, do one nice thing for him. (my comment: umm, that seems a bit low, 4 to 1... aren't we asking a bit much of the man???)

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