Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sexist things we Expect of Men that are unfair....

I like these silly articles I find online, and I found the motherload the other day.  And it's fun to share these with all of you and my fun little opinions on each of them.  So....

Apparently men aren't the great creatures we think they are!  Don't get me wrong, I love me some men (you should know that by now!)  But we hold these men up on this pedestal, and maybe thats a little unfair.  According to the article on (yeah, I'd never heard of it either - but I'd never hear of 90% of the websites out there) - 5 Stupid, Unfair and Sexist Things Expected of Men it's not just men that are hurt by the sexism stereotypes out there!  So here, we go!

1. Fight, fight, fight!  We expect men to fight.  You know with fists and shit.  We want them to defend their and OUR honor.  Apparently one guy in the scientific study named Adam says, "You would rather get a concussion than be called less than a man." So is this fair for us to expect the man to fight?  to defend our honor?  According to me... yes.  I don't want to fight.  I don't want to fight to defend myself.  Granted, I'm not gonna win in any fight - unless it's with an overweight midget - then I might win.  Overall, I'm going to want a man to fight for me and about me.  But I'm going to be totally pissed about it - because fighting is foolish.  I probably will be pissed about it and walk away from it, but be mad he fought.  Hey, I didn't say I was fair, just that I was going to state my opinion!

2. Be a good husband/partner/lover -- but don't care too much what women think.  The article says this one falls into the category of "not just insanely rigid but logically contradictory" -- a damned if you do, damned if you don't.  (I can't make this shit up!).  Apparently the man is supposed to (all at once) be able to take care of the children (all 8 of them if you are Jon Gosslin - he did a great job with that one), partner (super supportive of all your femine endeavors), and lover (you know bring you to multiple orgasms every time without fail).  But at the same time, he cannot care about how much women think.  I.e. he should know exactly what you want at all times of every day.  Umm, really?  We can expect that?  Damn...  I wish I knew that before!  I apparently have been expecting too little from my men!  If I can expect that, than I'm obviously aiming WAY too low for a man.

3. Be hot to trot. Always. With anybody.  Guys are supposed to want sex and be ready for it all the time (they aren't?)  We expect any man worth his penis to have sexual desire off the charts.  I'm thinking, you know they'll take any ready and willing girl (I think of the term - Yes, I'll "bag" her).  Did you know that all men don't feel this way (yeah, I was shocked too!)  Men actually have preferences!  They aren't always turned on (no shit!) and they don't want to have sex with everything that moves.  (humm, maybe I do have unfair expectations of these poor men)

4. Stiff upper lip.  You know, men have no emotion - right?  All they can feel is sexual desire for all women, and the desire to fight - right?  (that's all we've learned so far!)  But other than that - men are stone.  No emotions, right.  We all know that.  But is that fair?  Humm.  I would say .... maybe!  I like my man to be stoic - right?  But he's gotta have to have some feeling - like in his big toe or something.  He better cry at the wedding (if I can get him that far), and at the birth of a child.  But if he cries at Hallmark commericals I might have to kick him out on his ass.  (I'll give him an exception if he cries at those ASPCA commercials - those are sad, and I have a soft spot for animals).

5. Fear of being perceived as gay.  For straight men, being perceived as gay is a big blow to their masculinity.   Men worry about every god damn aspect of the gay culture and everything about being gay and being associated with all of that.  Hey dude(s) get over it.  Gay men have a whole lot of shit going for them.  Most of them have some awesome fashion sense (if they don't go overboard!), many don't worry too much these stupid masculine stereotypes.  So dudes, don't worry about it.  If you are comfortable with yourself, don't worry about being perceived as gay - give it up, just don't GIVE it up to a man.

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