Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yes, I just don't get sports on tv.

Before you start yelling at me, hear me out.   (Yes, I say that a lot.)  In my past (I say past because if you saw me now you wouldn't know it, I've become a bit round on the edges), I was an excellent soccer player and an excellent downhill skier.  I was captain of both teams in high school and even played on my college soccer team for a year (it was division 3 - but it counts!  I might not have played in many games, but I was damn good at practice!).  All that means is that I was very active in sports. 

But what I don't get is the crazy fanatic sports lovers.  This week started football season.  And it's insane.  Literally insane.  On Sunday and Monday my entire facebook feed was nothing but people rooting, arguing and talking about the merits of this team and that, preparing for the big game, blah, blah.  Not playing in the game mind you, but getting ready to watch it.  Excuse me if I don't understand it watching a bunch of guys on television playing a game. 

Now, give me live sports, that's awesome.  I'll go to any game, any sport.  In fact, I don't even really like baseball but I've been to no less than 5 games this year (with 2 more to go).  Granted, I only want to sit in the cushy seats - but I enjoy the atmosphere! 

But sit and watch a game - of any sport - on tv and it gets kind of old.  So I don't understand why people get so hyped up about football season.  And get so excited about "their" team as if it was something they controlled. 

Yeah, but I don't get a lot of things, so I'll just ad this one to the list.

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