Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Men and Online Dating

I've often wondered about the men on online dating websites.  Especially those younger men in the 21-26 year old age bracket.  You know the type, college age to the recent college age.  The age where guys like to get their group together and go to bars and drink until their beer goggles are about 9 or 10 beers thick and pick up whatever chick in the bar they can take home.  You know the type.  Hell, if it's a hot chick, that's awesome (high five, chest bump, hell YEAH!). 

Very few guys in this age group have a "steady" girlfriend who has calmed the guy down - unless some girl has taken the guy and tamed him while he was in college.  (remember, I'm speaking from experience in a medium to large sized city - not the people back home in Michigan who are at 26-30 hitting their first divorce and second marriage already - yee-haw!) 

So these guys I see on the online dating website in that 21-26 age frame, you know after they can legally drink.  They make me think twice (well, first because I'm an old lady to them), but second because there has to be something wrong with them that they are on the website in the first place.  Why aren't they just out there picking up girls with their beer goggles (preferably the girls with their goggles on in full force as well!?!).  Usually, it's something like, In my spare time I like to watch StarWars - I've seen every movie at least 100 times! or I've collected every Transformer that exists - my collection is worth $20,000 at last count." (I say this because I saw an episode of Pawn Stars where a dude really did have a Transformer ccollection that WAS valued at $20K, and he was married and having a kid.)  There are also the kind of guys that still have their big V card still.  In reality, it's the maturity level - the guys are still wanting to live out their youth and be crazy (I don't blame them and I think that's fine!) 

Now on the other hand, girls during this age are are just coming into their own - they are starting to realize what they want in life.  The girls posting online profiles in droves during this age.  They are starting to want to settle down and want to find someone who likes what they like.  Unless they found the love of their life in college (good for them!), the bar scene is looking grim - the guys there are often looking just to hook up.  So the girls are left with the guys online who are seriously looking for a partner (very few and the competition is HUGE), and the nerdy/dorky guys (don't get me wrong - I love me a dork, but sometimes it goes just a little too far.  You know that line.  Yeah, there is a shit load of guys who cross it carrying their Transformer action figures and Star Wars DVD's and VHS's as backup!). 

I think the magic age must be 27 when everyone stars to match up, because there seems to be a disproportionate amount of men aged 27 on the online dating sites.  Must be that's when guys decide that they are done screwing around and ready to settle down.  Age 30 suddenly is creeping up and scaring them. I just hope the good girls are still around.  Wait, I am :) 

1 comment:

  1. If you'd like an alternative to casually dating girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...

    If you'd prefer to have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded bars and restaurants...

    Then I encourage you to view this eye-opening video to learn a shocking little secret that might get you your very own harem of hot women:

