Tuesday, September 28, 2010

That little blue pill - the miracles that allows sex forever!

So I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my frustrations with what I consider inappropriate commercials on television.  You know the type - the ones for that "time of the month" and also for erectile dysfunction.  And I still feel that way, I'm not one to flip flop on the way I feel on things, unless I see or get some major points contrary to my position!  But to date, I haven't and I'm still a bit angered by those strange commercials.

But while those stupid commercials piss me off - I will sing the praises of that little blue pill.  I better explain. 

I'm a firm believer that a long-term relationship/marriage should be shared between two people that are both best friends and lovers.  And this intimate best friend/lover relationship should be maintained for the lifetime of the marriage/relationship (lets just say for the sake of argument we are talking about marriage at this point.)  And getting rid of political correctness - all I'm saying is that couples as they get older should maintain a very healthy sex life and any type of sexual dysfunction should not prevent that!  That's why the pharmaceutical companies invented the little blue pill and we have KY Jelly and other assorted types of lube (and hey guys, it was not for just anal sex - it's really originally made for actual vaginal lubrication).

Take a deep breath, and suck it up - but my grandparents were actively sexually way into their late 80's (until they passed on)  My grandma never kept it private, she kept her KY in the bathroom cabinet.  Good for her!  And let me tell you - it's a model I want for myself! 

I'm disappointed in the marriages where sex and intimacy disappears - it's such an important part of maintaining the closeness between two people (and in that I'm only guessing and using those observational experiences because I've obviously never been married).  Too many men (and women) for that matter stray outside the marriage just based on the lack of sex.  So damn it, keep up that sex life - your marriage depends on it.  And if there is a problem with the actual sex - get to your doctor, there are definite ways to correct any issue!  Damn it, don't let some stupid ass problem prevent you from being happy.  Yes, this is another Public Service Announcement from your friendly crazy blogger. 

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