Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Does everything have to revolve around alochol?

I'm not a big drinker.  Not to say I don't consume alcoholic beverages, because I do.  As one of my friends firmly believes, you should never trust someone who doesn't drink, I do consume a drink here and there - but rarely more than one or two.  And very very rarely to excess.  This is not to say I have any problem with those who do (well, you might think differently when I'm done writing this).  I have a weakness for champagne and lambic (a very fruity fermented beer that is bottled in champagne bottles) and I drink an obscene amount of tea - iced and hot (ok, that's not alcoholic - but I drink a whole lot of it.)

Now, I might be extra sensitive to the fact because I don't drink a great deal - but dang it sure seems like everything these days has to revolve around drinking.  It's probably the age I am, and even more the location in which I live.  After work we do Happy Hours.  On the weekends you go out for beers.  For brunch it's gotta be a champagne brunch.  Even if you have a BBQ there has to be a lot of beer involved. 

Yes, I know I'm going to have a lot of haters out there.  A lot of people love their drinking.  I'm not one.  I don't love the feeling of being out of control (can we sense that I'm a bit of a control freak - no, not me!).  I also just don't like dealing with the after effects. Yes, I'm sure that's part of me getting older.  Who wants to deal with a hangover in the morning when there is stuff to do.  dang, I sound REALLY boring. 

I'm not going to complain, nor do I abstain (god, what do you think I'm a dork?!?) from hanging out when people drink.  I just grab my nifty ice tea after I've had my one or two drink limit.  One of the reasons I don't drink is that I have a very very low tolerance.  I'd never be able to keep up with you drinking.  I'll end up on a table somewhere or need rescuing (and no one needs that hastle!)  But how about next time, we try something that doesn't just have drinking?  Dinner?  Being just outside?  Ya think?  Maybe we can all stay sober and remember what happened. 

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