Monday, June 21, 2010

A Record Day

Today is not even complete, and it's been a record day on this here crazy blog.  I've had more hits and more new visitors than I ever have before.  I cannot help but believe it's from this morning's interesting post. 

Now, I have to say, I've had some negative response from the bj's and big girls post.  Some of those who know me believe it's just a call for attention. 

This blog was never intended to be a call for attention to myself, and in that I mean as the person I really am.   Yeah, I'm not going to reveal that!  In fact I wish it cold be completely anonymous.  But the bitch of it all is that without asking my friends, family and people I know to read it - I wasn't going to get anyone to read it!  So it has to be somewhat non-anonymous.

The goal is for all of the people I know to forward the craziness I write on.  That way there are lots of people who don't know me reading it.  That way it becomes more of a commentary on the strangeness of dating and less on me.  I just want to use my own experiences as examples and funny antidotes! 

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