Friday, November 19, 2010

Assumptions about women that really do make and ass out of you and me....

Huffington Post linked to a page on (yes, strange website name I know...).  The site has an article about 6 "things" that everyone knows about women, that aren't true.  IN reality, lets just say it how it is... It's shit that people think about women that in reality is Bullshit.  SO what are these things, and do people really think it about women, and is it really bullshit?  Well, I think I shall be the judge of this....


#1.  Women Aren't As Aggressive....
 - sites the nursery rhyme about what little girls are made of, "Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice."  But calls it it crap, and says that contray to popular opinion - women might be the more aggressive of the genders.  (I've seen some crazy bitches!  I wouldn't disagree!)  According to the site, "Researchers found that when you deindividuate a person--or place the person in a situation where he or she doesn't have an individual identity--aggressive attitudes are amplified. This makes sense. It's probably why Marines are required to wear the same uniform, and hipsters are such pussies. Well, they tested this in the lab by having men and women play an interactive video game that required killing other players by dropping bombs on them. They found that under normal circumstances, men dropped far more bombs than women. But in the deindividuated groups, women out-attacked the men every time, with an average of about five more bombs dropped per session."  Interesting points...  I wouldn't say that overall women are more aggressive than men.  Seems men have a more of a trigger than women, piss a guy off and he's going to go to fistacuffs.  Granted, with a woman she's going to bitch your ass out.  But I wouldn't think that as aggressive, aggressive is when she bitch slaps you across the face, and there are those women out there - and women aren't all that nice anymore!

2.  Women aren't as horny as men...

Ha.  You read this blog, right?  You should know better.  Women (especially me!) are as horny as men or even more! So a recent study (you know these people who site "studies" you never know where exactly they came from or who did them... but just go with it...)  so this study of a large group of people asked people about their sexual behavior, one group gave their answers while connected to a lie detector, and the second group was told that their answers would be monitored.  The third group was told their answers would remain anonymous (we shall call them the control).  So women, when faced with chance of someone seeing their answers were Miss Prudes - and only reported half of their sexual partners that the group connected to the lie detectors claimed.  And the women connected to the lie detector actually reported MORE sexual partners than the men in the control group.  Yes, women want sex.  Boys get over it  Hell, I'd think you'd be happy about it.

#3 Only Men Like Porn

So, we all know men like Tits and Ass.  Duh, what do you think all those porn ads are for?  But woman's brains actually respond just as quickly to erotic images as men's do!  And maybe woman's reactions are even stronger.  Uh huh.  Apparently women's brain's use different circuits.  So yet another study (yes, all this science in this post - kinda makes my brain hurt)... They  attached EEG electrodes to monitor brain activity and found that a group of woman were shown pictures ranging from pleasant to distributing (they didn't say what the disturbing pictures were - makes me wonder!)  Apparently when shown erotic images, the neurons fired at 160 milliseconds, 20% faster than even the quickest reactions to the non-erotic pictures, even those depicting immediate danger images.  The women's neurons were "lighting up" even before they were registering what they were seeing.  Yes, there was no emotional backstory, no erotica, all of what we here turns a woman on - it was pure sex.  uh huh. Woman like porn. 

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