Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween is for.... whores.

So it's November 1st (yes, I can't believe it either - the older I get the faster the days, weeks, months and years fly by).  Last night was Halloween and being that Halloween was on a Sunday this year, people and younger people in general celebrated it all weekend long.  I think I saw people dressed from from Thursday night on. 

And what is Halloween?  It's supposed to be a night for cute little kids to dress up like goblins and gouls and to trick or treat door to door and get lots of candy.  You know to get massive sugar highs to drive their parents and teachers crazy (and to have their parents steal all of their candy out of their pumpkin while they were in school - yes Mom I was on to you!).  Ahh, but that's not quite what I see these days.

Maybe it's just because I'm older (although not wiser at all!), but all I see Halloween as is an excuse for the 21+ crowd to dress up and go out and get wasted.  And for those of the "fairer" gender to dress up like freaking street walkers.  You know, the sexy nurse, the sexy teacher, the sexy vampire.  You get it - add sexy to any generic thing and you have what a woman will dress up as.  The shit they get away with is a bit insane.  Add a shit load of alochol to that and you just have a mess waiting to happen. 

I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination - but I do like to leave a little to the imagination!  These little costumes are a little much for out in public, now for the bedroom and a little roll play - now that sounds like a lot of fun.  But out in public where your boobs are out to here and your who-ha is out to there...  Yeah, not so great. 

I wonder what the statistics are for date rape, or just rape are on Halloween night when these girls are prancing around in their half naked selves all drunk off their ass?  I hate to be a woman hater... but why do some girls just make such bad bad decisions?  It makes the rest of us look so silly and so damn stupid!  I don't blame guys at looking at us as just sex objects if these girls are just putting themselves out there - why shouldn't they look?  It's just out there?  It's better than porn!  It's live porn.  If a man did that around me, I couldn't help myself, I'm no fool.

So girls, you don't have to be an M&M for Halloween, or a pumpkin.  You can still be cute and sexy without being slutty.  Cover up a little, ok?  Or gasp, leave Halloween to the kids?  I know that's asking a lot, and I'm not going to ask too much of people, I'm not that mean, and I'm leave you to your fun - I'm not that horrible.  Just because I don't get the Halloween thing myself, doesn't mean I won't ruin it for everyone, but seriously - cover up.  Don't be a whore

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