Monday, November 29, 2010

Stupid things men do....

Wait, before you start rattling off all the stupid things men do, and accuse me of being a man hater, don't!  First off - I'm an equal opportunity hater - I hate woman and men alike - I think BOTH genders do some pretty retarded things and as much as I'm embarrassed to have a vagina, I wouldn't want to have a penis either! has compiled a list of 10 Stupid things that men do - especially when it comes to dating (because that's obviously the only thing that women really care about when it comes to men, right?)  So what are they?

1. Trying Too Hard. Women don't like a desperate man, If she doesn't call you back, email you back, text you back, or walks away from you - she's probably not that into you.  You might want to read the book, "He's not that into you" and just replace the "he's" with "she's".  Personally, I like a man that's into me, but if he's TOO into me - I'm going to run for the hills.  Yes, that's a very fine line and VERY easy to step over.  But hey guys, you better error on the side of caution, but not too cautious (if you don't show that you are into her - you'll loose her!)  Good luck with that game....

2. I, Pervert. Yes, everyone likes sex.  That part is obvious, we were built to take penis and insert it into vagina (I'm a little embarrassed that it's only a short ways into this posting and I've already used those terms TWICE!).  Anyway, you can be a sexual being without being a pervert, especially on the early dates.  Tone it down and  you might keep her around, at least for a couple of weeks.

3. Laid-Back Dude. Read #1, don't be too clingy, but don't be too laid back.  Find that line.  Don't cross it.  But if you are way too laid back and have a "I don't care attitude," so will we, and we will, "I don't care" it all the way until we find someone else, and that someone else is never going to be you - so if you don't want to care, you better not care yourself to find a girl who doesn't care herself. 

4. Sloppy Seconds. Men don't care as much about cheating - they are just hardwired differently (no excuse, it's true!)  Don't expect us to want you if we dated your bro, or if you cheated.  We aren't like that.  We don't forgive and forget - we get even, and getting even in girls' world is not pretty - don't fore get that.  

5. The Tune-Out. Girls like to share, feelings, emotions, hell we just like to talk.  You need to listen to this, Yes, I know it's not exactly what you want to do - but at least try.  Listen and you won't get in trouble.  Be able to answer basic questions about what we are saying and you are ok.  Tit for tat, baby.

6. Mr. Tight Wad. Some women want to buy all kinds of things - material things (but not all women are that way) - a lot of men want to penny pinch everything.  Hey guys, it's not cool to penny pinch EVERYTHING, Being cheap is so not sexy.   Try paying for the first date, be chivalrous, it's not dead, in fact it's sexy as hell.  Most good girls (and those who don't are trashy and not worth it) will offer and even insist on paying or splitting in the future - but that first date means a great deal!

7. Insecure Much? Show insecurity in anyway, we pick up on it.  Most of the time, it's not sexy.  We want a man who can be strong, sexy and protect us - yes it sounds like this is from the middle ages, and who cares - it's still hot.  Have those insecurities?  Totally ok... we do too.  Let them out later, those are sexy too!

8. No Mo’ Porno.  There is no problem with watching porn to get us in the mood, it's kind of hot.  But porn is to WATCH, it's an occasional thing.  Don't get obsessed.  We can discuss and maybe think about bringing some ideas into the bedroom, but hey dude - we aren't going to act it out, and we certainly aren't going to live our life as a porn star.  Porn is entertainment.  Our sex life is life.  Lets keep it this way!

9. Flattery Will Get You Everywhere. Enough said.  Don't forget it.

10. Our Toilet, Our Rules. Am I the only one is not horribly annoyed by the toilet thing?  Why do all women freak out about putting the toilet seat down?  If he has to put it up to use it, why don't you have to put it down?  All's fair in love and war.  All I ask is that he clean up his drips!  That's more important than if the lid is up or down!

1 comment:

  1. If you would like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to find out the right thing to do...

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