Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Curly or Straight Hair...

I've written before about my love of Patti Stanger - a lot of what she says makes a lot of sense (granted some of the  crap she says makes me want to punch her - but then again, no one is perfect, right?) 

Well, today on yahoo, Miss Patti shows up as the #1 Buzz topic (I don't know about you, but I find these  Buzz lists extremely interesting and when it changes and something new shows up I double check the google/yahoo newsfeed.)  Anyway...  I looked up Patti's newsfeed and low and behold... Patti is getting bad press for being against curly hair.

Specifically, she write in her Book "Become Your Own Matchmaker." that, “Men appreciate hair they can run their fingers through…”

Now, being a girl with hair that can go either way (but with work either way).  This news is a bit interesting.  What do men really like?  Hell, my guess is most men don't care all that much as long as you have hair!   I know most men don't like the whole pixie short cut that makes you look like a boy (do you blame them?!?).  But if it's curly or straight?  is it that big of deal?  Yes, a guy would like to run his hands through your hair - but how often is he really going to do that?  Maybe in the beginning of the relationship - but honestly, is he really going to do that for very long.

I would much rather assume that healthy hair is preferred - no matter if your hair is straight or curly it better be healthy.  I'm talking about no frizzy curly hair - and no crunchy hair that has too much product in it!  And if your hair is straight - it can't be over processed and feel like straw. 

So is there a preference for curly or straight hair?  Someone tell me?  I like my hair both ways - but if men prefer it one way or the other... I might consider wearing it that way.  I said might... I'm not one to really bend my way for an entire gender.  But for a specific man - oh yes.  I like to please the man I'm with.  If he wants it straight I'll do that for him (if I like it that way as well - I'm not going to go totally against what I like for a man!  I'm not that insane - but if I like something and he likes it, I'm obviously going to please him!)  I'm a people pleaser you know.

*** As a side note, girls... use the right product for your hair and hair type, it makes ALL the difference in the world.  Don't skimp on products, it makes ordinary hair look extraordinary.  You can get a cheap hair cut and use good (not dimstore - think even Target) products that are right for your hair and you can look like a million bucks ***

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