Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Girls are bitches... and cause problems in marriages... even as kids!

So.... most of us know that women can be bitches, but did you know that little girls are too?  According to an article in the UK's Daily Mail Married Couple's with daughters are more likely to divorce.  Yes, you read that right, if a couple has a daughter, they are more likely to divorce than if they had a son. 

They study was actually done by University of California in San Diego and Berkley with data from more than 3 million adults from the United States census.  Those couples who claimed a first born daughter rather than a first born male were more likely to divorce.  If there were as many as three daughters, the "break up factor" sky rocked 10%. 

Apparently, Psychologists say that daughters might empower mothers to walk out of a bad marriage rather than clinging on, "One dynamic I've seen is that women don't want to put up with a controlling or abusive husband because they're afraid to model this as an acceptable form of marriage to their daughters,’ Susan Heitler, a Denver-based clinical psychologist. 

Fathers are also significantly less likely to be living with their children if they had daughters rather than sons.  In any given year roughly 52,000 first born daughters younger than 12 (and all their siblings) would have a resident father if they had been boys.  Umm, no offense girls, but it's YOUR fault your parents divorced and daddy moved out.  So if you had been a boy, mommy and daddy would have stayed together and the house would have been fine.  What a horrible statistic!  The study also suggested that fathers found the prospect of marriage more attractive if the first born was a boy because the man was more afraid of the son growing up without a male role model. 

The statistics show that daughters are more likely to help mom around the house, while the boys just make more work, and the experts claim that the mother is more likely to leave their husbands because they can rely on social support from their daughters (can we say slave labor).  An overwhelming majority about 73% of divorces are initiated by women. 

Seriously?  So, if you want your marriage to stay together... hope for a first born boy.  If it's a girl give her away... don't keep her!  These statistics are pretty crazy, and sadly make a little sense. 

Makes me pretty glad that even though I was a first born girl, my parents are still together 35+ years later, guess we were one of the lucky ones!

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