Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why men love being single.

So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that men love being single.  Really, most guys if given the choice would be out living up the single life if they had the choice (at least that's my impression) - especially in their younger years.  Yes, it's great to have someone to tap every once in awhile - but why not have multiple women to tap and not have any commitments?  Yeah, ahh the life?  (or so I get the impression - now remember, I'm definitely NOT a man - so I cannot comment on their thoughts, feelings and dreams).  Instead, I am counting on a bachelor and dating blogger Abraham Lloyd to tell me the 5 Things Men Love About Being Single

Make no mistake, men love being coupled up…but they dig being single, too. We asked bachelor and dating blogger Abraham Lloyd for his take on the 5 Things that Men love about Being Single  Now you know how I hate to be judgemental and especially to judge people on first impressions, but I do have to seriously question this blogger's name - Abraham Lloyd?  Were his parents trying to prevent him from dating and reproducing?  Because that name is just horrible... I really hope it's a pen name he made up to make himself look stupid - otherwise, I would probably look into changing it - sorry dude, but it's just not a good name.  The parts are ok by themselves - together that's just bad.  But I have to trust him, he's claiming to be a man with an extra appendage between his legs (size TBD) and claiming to have "expert" knowledge on the 5 things that men love about being single - and from my assessment, he's had a lot of experience being single!

1. He can flirt. Mr. Lloyd (is that better than Abraham?  Because when I say Abraham I automatically think of a Biblical person and then I don't think I really should be referencing some of the things I will be referencing!) says that men love to flirt and as single men they feel free to "flirt early, flirt often, flirt always, and flirt with whomever you want." And as single men they can flirt guilt-free, without worrying whether they're crossing the line.  You know what, I don't blame men.  Flirting is fun.  I flirt with everyone - married, single, engaged, attached.  It's all in fun, I really don't mean anything by it.  And damn, it gets me and the man in TROUBLE.  And that's trouble with all capital letters!  Those attached to some women (and NOT all women are like this) will get yelled at.  And I get called the big ass bitch who is trying to take their man.  Yes, I can understand why a man would want to be single so he can flirt.

2. He can be selfish. Mr. Lloyd tells us that single men have no "real" commitments to some broad (my word) - he can call shots 100% of the time and he doesn't have to sacrifice.   Umm yeah, I think that's a positive for anyone.  Who really wants to have to (as a girl) hang out with his retarded friends  watching sports or as a guy hang out with her prissy friends shopping at the mall.  And those are just minor examples.  I hear people bitching every day about shit they have to do because their boyfriend wants to or their girlfriend wants to.  Yeah, maybe being in a relationship isn't all that great.

3. He can focus. He says that without a a woman in his life he can focus on all those things in your life that aren't your love life - you know the stuff that you like to do.  Because when you are in a relationship it seems to require all your focus.  I have to ask.... what kind of relationships are you people in?  Apparently I haven't been in those kind of relationships.  I try to keep my relationships as part of my life and not my WHOLE life.  How can you be a good boyfriend or girlfriend if you lose the rest of your life?  You'd be a pretty boring lover and person if you gave up everything if you got in a relationship. 

4. He can live apologetically. Ohh, he says that no girlfriend means fewer chances to mess up. "In Love Story, Ali McGraw shared one of the love lines of all-time when she said 'Being in love means never having to say I'm sorry,'" Lloyd says, adding, "Well, being single means having to say I'm sorry even less."  Wow.  I get that!  I fuck up all the time.  Men do too.  No one wants to apologize for their actions to someone else - that just blows. 

5. The world is his oyster. Mr. Lloyd (ok, Lloyd is no better of a name, it is spelled and just looks weird, but that's just my opinion!)  says that being single means that you get to choose your next relationship. you have all the options in the world (umm, no shit!).  So instead of having to worry about "settling" with your current mate you can think about who you can have.  Otherwise known as fantasy.... Hello?!?  Why do you want to always be looking for someone better?  I think this is the worst thing about being single!  I don't want to think about all the options I have - I just want to find the one that works for me..  Too many options can be a bad thing.  Think about a huge buffet.  There are a ton of options, but really you only like one thing - why try all the things you don't like when the one thing that you know is good for you and that you like is right in front of you?  Doesn't make sense to me!!

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